Monday, May 10, 2021

The week of May 10-14

 Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful, caring, thoughtful mommas!  I hope you enjoyed reading your child's card.  :)

Our field day is now on Thursday this week!  The weather looks more promising on Thursday than Friday.  What do you need to do?  Just make sure your child has:

1. water bottle and snack

2. tennis shoes and comfortable play clothes

3. sunscreen already applied please

4. extra masks in case it gets wet

The lunch choices for the day are:  A-Italian sub sandwich, B-Jammy Sammy

I will ask your child tomorrow if they plan to bring a lunch or choose from A or B.

I will do my best to take pictures and send them in my blog!  


We are continuing this week with our animal unit.  Please send in a small shoebox asap.  I only have 10 so far.  If you have an extra at home, would you please send on in to help out a friend?  I would like them by Friday, so we can work on our diorama.

Thank you!


We will be finishing up our 3D shapes this week!  The last 2 weeks will be reviewing skills from the year.

Spelling words--I will be sending home the new spelling list tomorrow on color and number words.  Our last spelling test will be May 21.

Sight words!  Many of the kids have passed their 100 sight words.  I will be testing kids on the words they have left this week.  Please keep working on any they have not passed when I send them home.  I would love to have all of them passing all 100 before the end of the year!  Please keep reviewing all sight words throughout the summer to retain them and help your child read more fluently.


Bag of Books and Math Tool Kit Bag

It is time to begin collecting anything from home.  Please send these things back to school.

1.  The math tool kit that was given to your child at the beginning of the year when we were Hybrid.  It would have linking cubes, counters, dice, shapes (I think).  There may be other things, but that's what comes to mind.

2.  The bag of books-  Please turn these in soon!

Coming Up!

Thursday, May 13 Field Day

Fri. May 28.       Last day of first grade!!  It's a half day!

Pirate Day Picture!

We had a fun day Friday celebrating Pirate Day after learning about the "ar".  Pirates like to say "Aargh"!

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