Monday, May 24, 2021

The Last Week of First Grade!

 We are here!  The last week of school!  This crazy year is going down in the books as the most interesting year I've ever taught!  

We will be reviewing skills learned this week and throwing in some fun end-of-the-year activities.  

Math Books--We finished our math books but I'm hoping the kids will get them out once or twice a week and do a homework or review page that is still in there.  The main areas to continue working on are the addition, subtraction  and problem solving pages to keep working on those skills.  Those are mainly found in the Book 1, but the problem solving pages are in both books.  Make sure to have them tear the pages out they do and have you check them.  I wouldn't advise them tearing out all of the pages as they will get lost.

Reading--read, read, read with your child all summer.  Many skills were lost last year after losing 4th quarter in KDG and possibly not reading and working on sight words throughout the summer as we all are busy.  I am going to send home the Frye's 1-400 sight word list for you to practice with your child.  Almost all kids have passed to 100 which is the 1st grade goal.  The more sight words they know, the more fluent your child will read!  

Grade cards will come home on Friday!  I will send them along with other papers in an envelope.  

Tomorrow will be "Stuffed Animal" day!  It is our class reward!  Please make sure the stuffed animal fits in your child's backpack.  They are not to bring a separate bag with the animal in it.  The bigger they are the more distracting they are.

Math Tool Kits

I only have 11 math tool kits turned in.  Please look for those at home.  It's amazing how linking cubes get eaten in our cubbies and I need all of the linking cubes I can get for next year!  Thank you!

Dismissal is at 12:10 I believe on Friday.

Thank you!  I want to thank you all for your wonderful support at home this year with your child!  It sure makes my job so much easier to know that you will help mold your child at home as I am molding them at school.  You have awesome kids and I will miss them next year!  They will do great in 2nd grade!

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