Monday, November 1, 2021

The week of Nov. 1-5

 It sounds like the kids had a great Halloween!  Now on to November!  The year is flying by!  

This week we are continuing with the same units.  

Science--We will learn more about the Phases of the Moon. It is interesting tracking the phases on my moon app and coloring in the moon calendar.  

I am so impressed with how well the class is writing sentences!  We write in our journals on Mondays to tell about our weekends.  It is fun to see how far they have come already writing complete sentences with a capital at the beginning and a punctuation mark at the end.

Phonics--This is our last week with short vowels and cvc words.  Short e is always the hardest to hear, but the kids are doing great!  

Continue to have your child read the words on the worksheets that come home.  It does make a difference!  The paper decodable book will come home this week too!  I would suggest keeping those decodable books in a folder at home to pull out and have your child read multiple times.  You will notice a huge improvement!

Math--There are a couple more days left in our Addition to 20 chapter.  Using the doubles strategy seems to really help when adding near doubles.  Our test will be on Friday!


First Grade Team as "Where's Waldo"

Coming up!

Nov. 4.     Picture retakes

Nov. 10.   Late start day--10:30 arrival

Nov. 12.   CCE Spirit Wear Day

Nov. 20.    Winter Wonderland--9-noon

Nov. 24-26.  Thanksgiving Break

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