Monday, November 29, 2021

The week of Nov. 29

 Is it really almost December?  I need time to slow down!  I love this class too much!  :)

I hope you all had a wonderful break!


This week we are beginning the r blends like:  cr, dr, tr, br, gr, pr, fr.

The high frequency sight words are:  said, when, there, where

We will also have a lesson on contractions using an apostrophe.

To Do:  With our two day week last week, I did not have time to have the kids read the words on the Fluency Check Phonics sheet.  It is in their folder.  Please have them read the words to you so you can see how well your child has progressed on the skills learned so far!  This does not need to be returned.

Reading:  We just started our unit on Fairy Tales.  We will be learning the elements of a fairy tale, comparing/contrasting, and reading different versions of fairy tales.  This week we are reading:

Monday:  Cinderella

Tuesday:  Little Red Riding Hood, Ninja Red Riding Hood

Wednesday:  Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Snow Bears

Thursday:  The Three Little Pigs, The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Friday:  The Three Ninja Pigs, Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas

Math--Place Value

Each day we count the days we are here at school with straws and Base Ten Blocks.  We talk about how many tens and ones we have for each.  We are also using coins to count our days.  We are on day 71!  Ask your child to tell you how how we count 4 quarters!

Counting our days this way helps us learn place value.  We are working on a place value packet to practice.  We also have a fun December packet to review skills we've learned so far, while I am doing Fastbridge testing.  So, you won't be seeing any math sheets coming home from our My Math book until I am done testing.  

Coming up!

Dec. 16.    Holiday Party --Half day, dismiss at 12:10

Dec. 17-Jan. 4.  Christmas vacation

Jan. 5.        3rd quarter begins

Jan. 7          2nd quarter grades posted on Skyward

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