Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The week of Jan. 5

 Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a wonderful break and the kids are rested, refreshed and ready to return tomorrow!  I'm excited to see them!  

First things first!!  Please make sure your child continues to come to school with a mask on and extra masks in their backpack.  Elementary is not optional and with the cases soaring, we want to be as safe as possible!  Thank you!  The kids have done wonderful wearing them!

One change for the kids you can let them know about will be that they will have to wear their masks out to recess instead of leaving them on their desks.  Once outside, they can put them on their wrists or in their pocket.  We will try to get out for fresh air even if it's not very long, and the windchill is below 20 degrees.  If it's 10 degrees or below, we will not go out for sure.  In all likelihood, we will probably stay in doors in the mornings this week.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS A WARM WINTER COAT, HAT, AND GLOVES!  Thank you!

This week we will be reviewing rules and procedures while easing our way back in to school.  

Grade cards:  Please get on Skyward after 4:00 Friday to see your child's 2nd quarter grade card.  If you are having trouble getting to it, please call the office.

ELA--  Learning about New Year's Resolutions.  Instead of making a general resolution, we are going to think about what we can do to show kindness to our friends. Then we will make Kindness Resolutions for the year!

We will read, "The Mitten" and "The Hat", do some fun activities to go along with each book and compare/contrast the two stories.

Phonics--Final e--Making vowels long by adding the "magic e" on the end.  We are beginning with long a and long i.  We will be talking about how a cvc word like "can" becomes "cane" with the silent e on the end.

You will find a Phonics' packet in your child's folder with the pages we skipped before the break due to time constraints.  Those pages are skills that we have covered frequently already this year or are just introduced in first grade.  They will be great for your child to pull out and do when they have time.

Fry's Sight word lists!  I hope you had some down time over the break to review your child's sight word lists that I sent home!  If not, please work on those.  Our goals are passing the lists at the times below.  The more sight words your child learns the more books he/she will be able to read.  The kids are doing awesome remembering their sounds and decoding words.  Adding sight words to their reading, will help them take off!  Thank you for working on the at home!

1-25 by the end of first quarter

26-50 by the end of second quarter

51-75 by the end of third quarter

76-100 by the end of fourth quarter

Sight words in our Phonics book:  who, know, was, made, water, that, of, carry

Math--We will begin our Volume 2 Math book on Chapter 5 over Place Value.  We learned about place value before the break add to our place value chart every day during our calendar time, so the class should do well on this very long chapter!

Specials:  Just a reminder that your child's new specials' schedule is on the front of their folder.  Please make sure they wear tennis shoes on PE days and bring their library book back for library day.

A day- Library (tomorrow)

B day-Music

C day-Technology

D day-PE (Monday)

E day-Art

Coming up!

Jan. 7.       Grade cards posted on Skyward, look for 2nd quarter progress reports and info. in Friday's folder.

Jan. 12.     CCE eat at Panera night

Jan. 17.      No School-MLK holiday

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