Monday, January 31, 2022

THe week of Jan. 31-Feb. 4

 Well the Chiefs game didn't turn out how Chiefs' fans wanted but it was sure a fun season to watch!  

We have been real busy in first grade learning all about Kansas last week and finishing it up this week.  Friday was the most fun celebrating the 100th day of school!  Below are a few of the pictures of all of our stations we did and of the "old" people that visited 1st grade!

ELA--Long a with "ai" usually found in the middle of a word, and "ay" usually found at the end of a word.  I tell the class it's easiest to remember that "ai" is in the middle, like "i"  in the middle of the alphabet.  "Ay" is at the end of a word, like "y" at the end of the alphabet.

New words:  away, one, doesn't, something

Math--We will finish Chapter 5 on Place Value with a test on Wednesday unless we don't have school because of the winter weather.  Then, it will be whatever day we come back.  The most challenging part of the test for some will be being able to write ten less and ten more of a given number.  To practice at home you  could write _____55_____.  Your child will write 10 less than 55=45, and 10 more = 65.  Give them several examples to do reminding them that the ones place always stays the same.

Kansas celebration today-- We had fun playing a Kansas BINGO game with all of the Kansas symbols.  We finished our Kansas packet, so check it out in your child's folder.  Quiz them on what each symbol is.  We also ate a bite out of a graham cracker square to see what Kansas looks like!  

Sight word lists--the kids are doing great on their sight word list tests!  I'd like for them to pass 51-75 by the end of 3rd quarter.  If your child is working on this list, practice 5 min. a day on the words by playing games like I Spy or memory match to help them!  Thank you!  It really makes a difference on their fluency when reading to know the sight words!

Coming up!

Feb. 14.    Valentine's Party. 3-3:30. Bring 22 Valentines with only From:  your child's name on them.  Decorate a box or bag at home to put Valentines in and bring it to school on Feb. 14!

Feb. 16.    1/2 day school/Parent-Teacher conferences 

Feb. 17.     All day Parent-Teacher conferences

Feb. 18-Feb. 21.   No School

Feb. 23.    CCE Skating Party  and PTO night at Sombreros

April 21    1st grade music program at 6:30

Stacking 100 cups!

Rolling and bouncing balls counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's.

Dabbing 100 dots on 100!

Counting by 10's with Fruit Loops and making a necklace.

Putting together a puzzle of a $100 bill!

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