Monday, March 28, 2022

The week of March 28-April 1

 This week for ELA/Social Studies we are learning about what to put on our bedroom maps for our home assignment due on April 4.  We read "Me on the Map" and found out about making a 3D map and how to make a 2D birds-eye view map from the objects in a 3D map.  We also talked about all kinds of maps beginning with the map of our bedroom, house, street, town, state, country, continent, and world.  There are so many things to learn about maps!

If your child hasn't had a chance to work on the homework assignment on their address and bedroom map, no worries!  There is this week and weekend to work on it!  It is due next Monday, April 4!  Thank you so much for making it a learning experience finding your house number and street name on the street sign!  Also, it's easy to forget to fill in the compass rose on the bedroom map side.  

Phonics this week!  Long i 

-y.      my, shy, try, cry, etc.

igh.    high, bright, night, etc,

i-e.     kite, bite, write

sight words:  different, full, into, through

Math-Chapter 8. Measurement and Time

We have been working on measuring with non-standard units such as linking cubes.  Tomorrow we will begin learning about telling time to the hour and half hour on an analog clock and digital clock.

Coming up!

Mar. 25.   Grade cards posted

April 5.    Chipotle Food Night

April 6.     Delayed start--School begins at 10:30

April 15/18  No School

April 21.    First Grade Program @ 6:30

April 22.    First Grade performs for school

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

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