Monday, March 7, 2022

The week of Mar. 7-11

 I hope you had a great weekend!

The end of the 3rd quarter is quickly upon us.  Our goal at the beginning of the year is for your child to know 1-75 sight words.  Please continue to keep practicing these with your child.  I have seen so much growth in your child's reading the more sight words they know!

This week in Phonics we are beginning long o.  Long o is difficult to know when to use the different vowel diphthongs- oa, ow since they can both be in the middle of the word.  OW is also tricky making two sounds, as in "snow" and "cow". I tell the kids to try it with both sounds and see what sounds correct in the sentence.

Sight words:  or, more, part, people

Math:  Our chapter is on graphing.  It sounds like it would be easy, but it is challenging knowing what to do when the problem says "How many more people chose green than red?" or "How many fewer chose green than red?".  We are learning that How many more and How many fewer mean subtraction.

ELA/Social Studies:  We are continuing with our U.S. symbols and landmarks.  We have learned about Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monument, and the American Flag.  This week we will find out about the Lincoln Memorial, the Bald Eagle, and the Liberty Bell.  Friday we will have a test. The kids will have to write 5 symbols.  Asking them to name the symbols they have learned will help them on the test.  Writing them down could also really help!! 

Coming up!

Mar. 9.      CCE Papa Murphy

Mar. 14-21.  Spring Break

Mar. 25.   Grade cards posted

Mar. 31.    Spring pictures

April 5.    Chipotle Food Night

April 6.     Delayed start--School begins at 10:30

April 15/18  No School

April 21.    First Grade Program @ 6:30

April 21    1st grade music program at 6:30

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

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