Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The week of Aug. 29

 Happy Tuesday!

This week we began our Phonics book and Math book.  

In Phonics our first unit is "short a". We will work on 1-2 pages a day.  We do most pages together and I usually put a star on one side to save time.  It is tough to fit in all of the pages, so I will pick the most important pages and send the others home.  If your child completes it at home, they can bring it back and earn a homework point!  It would be great if you would look at the completed pages at home and have your child try to read what they wrote to you.  

This week we had the sight words: the, my, like, play

If your child does not know these words, writing them down on flashcards and practicing them at home will be beneficial for reading books.

Math--Our math chapter one is on Addition Stories.  Today we did not have time to do the back page of problem solving.  I would love it if you would sit with your child and complete it with them.  Draw circles for pictures to help them understand what to do.  I will give a point if returned completed.  

There will be days that I send home the homework page from our math book if I feel the class or some students need extra practice on a skill.  I will do my best to let you know if it is homework to be returned.  Some kids like to take it home for extra work which I love!

Coming up!

Sept. 2         All about Me Bag assignment coming home.

Sept.  5       Labor Day--no school

Sept. 9        "I am Special" worksheet and All About Me Bag due

Sept. 22        Individual and class pictures

Sept. 23        Lap-a-thon--CCE fundraiser-more info. coming up

Sept. 28        Conferences 4-8

Sept. 29        Conferences- All Day

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