Monday, December 5, 2022

The week of Dec. 5-9

 I hope you all had a great weekend!  I was quite happy that the Wildcats won!  

Thank you for sending in those winter coats!  It looks like we will need them all week!

This week we are going to enjoy reading several different versions of the Gingerbread Man books to compare and contrast.

Phonics:  Long vowels a and i with a magic e on the end.  

-ake--cake, make, bake, etc.

-ate--late, fate, date

-ike--like, bike

-ide-- hide, ride

Heart words:  carry, of, water, that

Math:  Subtraction to 20.  Today we had a difficult concept breaking down the subtrahend we were subtracting to make a 10.  We worked on this together and the kids began getting the concept.  We did the homework together.  It's much easier to just count back we found out!  :)

Sight words:  Thank you for continuing to practice these at home with your child!  

Coming up!

Thurs. Dec. 8.   PTO Food Night at Papa Murphy's

Tues. Dec. 20.    1/2 day school- Winter Celebration!

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