Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The week of March 21

 I hope your kids had a great break!  They all seemed happy to be back! :)

New information

Please check your child's folder for notes from me!

1.  Field Trip --There are two sheets attached.  The first one explains about us going to Legoland and The Sea Aquarium on Thursday, April 20.  You are welcome to go, but will need to drive separately and pay $22 at the door.  Also, you will have a small group of kids to monitor throughout the field trip, and be in charge of bringing a backpack/bag to carry their disposable sack lunches in.  The more parents we have the less kids in a group!

If you choose to join us, please fill out the slip at the bottom of the first sheet and send it back to school before Mon. Mar. 27.

2.  The 2nd sheet is you giving permission for your child to ride the bus.  Please fill this out and send it back before Monday, Mar. 27.

Mapping Unit

1.  In your child's folder you will find an at-home assignment.  We are learning about what you find on maps and different kinds of maps.  We read a book called, "Me on the Map" and saw 3D maps and 2D maps from a birds eye view.  The kids are to draw a map of their bedroom similar to the example on the back of the front sheet.  It needs all of the components like the example:  compass with the directions their room faces, a map key with the mini pics of their room labled with the words, and what is in their bedroom with the actual colors of the objects. 

Please send it back by Monday, April 3.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Hopper of the Day!

Today I began a Hopper of the Day award that will be given to a different student each day that was a great role model.  I'll be looking for this student to be following directions all day, being quiet during centers, being kind to others, and paying attention while I'm teaching.  Along with receiving the award certificate, the student will get to put a trophy on their desk for the next day!  We will cheer this person on at the end of the day!  If anyone is negative toward that friend for getting the HOTD award, then he/she will not have a chance at it the next day.  

Phonics this week!

We have learned about --ar, ir, er, ur.  This week we are adding:  or, ore, oar.  

High-frequency words:  open, walk, buy, every

prefixes:  dis (dislike, distrust), pre (preheat, preplan)

Math this week!

We are finishing up our graphing chapter tomorrow with our test.  

Our next chapter will be on measurement and telling time to the hour and half hour.

Coming up!

Mon. Mar. 27.    Field trip slips due

Thursday, March 30th: Spring Pictures

Mon. April 3. Bedroom maps due

Wednesday, April 12th: 2 hour Late Start Day/Staff Meeting

Thursday, April 20th: 1st Grade Field Trip

Friday, April 21st: No School

Monday, April 24th: District PD Day--No School

Friday, April 28th: Spring Fling

Friday, May 12. Field Day

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

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