Monday, April 3, 2023

The week of April 3

 It was so nice to have beautiful spring weather this weekend!  I hope you were able to get out and enjoy it!  

Thank you for helping your child do their bedroom maps and addresses.  The kids will get to tell about their map in front of the class! 

We will be finishing up our mapping unit this week.  On Friday, we will have mapping stations with different map games and activities. Look for some pictures to of our fun activities in the blog next week.


Next week we will go back to Science and begin our plants unit.

One of the books we will read is called, Tops and Bottoms.  

We will end out plant unit with a fun plant snack on Wed. April 26!  Look for a Sign-up Genius to send in ingredients needed!


This week we are learning more about verbs and how verbs can make our sentences more interesting!  We will also talk more about past, present, and future tense verbs.


Telling Time-- Last week we started learning about telling time to the hour with an analog clock and digital clock.  This week we will be learning about telling time to the half hour.  We do not tell time to the minutes but I will introduce it. :)

Coming up!

Wednesday, April 12th: 2 hour Late Start Day/Staff Meeting

Thursday, April 20th: 1st Grade Field Trip

Friday, April 21st: No School

Monday, April 24th: District PD Day--No School

Tuesday, April 25. Plant snack ingredients due

Friday, April 28th: Spring Fling

Friday, May 12 Field Day

Monday, May 15. Field Day Rain Out Date

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

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