Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The week of April 25-28

I hope you had a great long weekend!  We had a great time on our field trip Thursday to Legoland and the Aquarium!  Enjoy the pics below!


This week we are finishing up on parts of a plant and their jobs.  

Our next science unit will be on animals.  Towards the end of our animal unit we are going to construct a diorama.  Each child will need to bring a shoebox from home.  We will need them by Wednesday, May 10!


We are learning about au/aw/alt/all.  

Heart words this week are:  been, before, pretty, warm


We will be doing fractions dividing 2D shapes in equal parts, halves, quarters, and fourths.

Tying shoes--Please continue working on this with your child at home!  

Coming up!

Friday, April 28th: Spring Fling

Wed. May 10. Send in a shoebox

Friday, May 12 Field Day--make sure to apply sunscreen, send a water bottle, and wear comfortable clothes to run in (tennis shoes)

Monday, May 15-19. Beach Week in 1st grade--Your child may send in a beach towel to lay on at times in class or outside!

Monday, May 15. Field Day Rain Out Date

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

Monday, April 17, 2023

The week of April 17-20

 I hope you all had a great weekend!

Field trip!  You should have received the field trip information in your child's folder.  Please make sure your child has a disposable sack lunch with a disposable drink, as we will throw it away.  Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.  The bus leaves at 9:15!   There is a chance of rain, so they could bring a jacket and leave it on the bus if we don't need it. Lastly, make sure your child has a good breakfast to tie them over.  Our lunchtime is an hour later than we usually eat.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Phonics- This week we are learning about the vowel diphthongs--oi/oy.

oi-will be found mostly in the middle of a word.

oy-will be found mostly at the end of the word.

Heart words:  any, four, only, better

Math--This week we are finishing flat 2D shapes and will move to solid 3D shapes next week.  Make sure to ask your child what the 2D shapes are to review.  How many sides and how many vertices.

Tying shoes--Nine students demonstrated they can tie shoes the challenging way!  Thank you for working with your child on this!  You will be glad you did!  The kids are so proud of themselves for learning this tough skill!  


We have a garden growing in our room!  Check it out below!

Today we checked on our lima beans to see if they have sprouted.  Ask your child if they saw a root or leaf growing!  A few are slow-moving yet.

We also have grass coming up in our cups!  

Coming up!

Thursday, April 20th: 1st Grade Field Trip

Friday, April 21st: No School

Monday, April 24th: District PD Day--No School

Tuesday, April 25. Plant snack ingredients due

Friday, April 28th: Spring Fling

Friday, May 12 Field Day

Monday, May 15. Field Day Rain Out Date

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

Monday, April 10, 2023

The week of April 10-14

What a beautiful weekend for Easter!  I hope you had a great weekend!

Friday we had a fun day with mapping centers!  Check out the pictures below!

Tying shoes!  First grade is a great time to learn how to tie shoes!  It is so easy to buy the shoes without shoelaces now-a-days.  However, by the end of first grade is a great goal to master this skill!  

There are several different ways to tie shoes.  Making two bunny ears and tying them is a good beginner way of tying shoes.  I have challenged the class to learn how to tie the harder way like us adults all learned with making the loop, going around the thumb, through the hole and pull tight.  Then, double knot!  The shoelaces stay tied much tighter!

Once tying shoes is mastered, your child can choose anything they want from my treasure boxes!

Thank you for helping your child practice at home too!  It definitely takes a village to learn how to tie shoes!


This week we are back in our Phonics book with the ou/ow sounds!

We learned that ou is mainly in the middle of a word whereas; ow can be found in the middle and at the end.  

Heart words:  after, pull, goes, laugh


Look for the math test coming home in your child's folder today over time/measurement.  

Our next chapter is on flat 2D shapes and solid 3D shapes.


Plants!  We will be learning about the parts of a plant along with their jobs.  This week we will find out about the parts of a seed as we dissect a lima bean.  

We will also plant grass seed in dirt, water it every few days and watch it grow.

Coming up!

Wednesday, April 12th: 2 hour Late Start Day/Staff Meeting

Thursday, April 20th: 1st Grade Field Trip

Friday, April 21st: No School

Monday, April 24th: District PD Day--No School

Tuesday, April 25. Plant snack ingredients due

Friday, April 28th: Spring Fling

Friday, May 12 Field Day

Monday, May 15. Field Day Rain Out Date

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

Mapping Centers

Writing abbreviations on each state!

Having fun with Orboot and the globes!

Playing Stack the States on the Ipad