Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The week of April 25-28

I hope you had a great long weekend!  We had a great time on our field trip Thursday to Legoland and the Aquarium!  Enjoy the pics below!


This week we are finishing up on parts of a plant and their jobs.  

Our next science unit will be on animals.  Towards the end of our animal unit we are going to construct a diorama.  Each child will need to bring a shoebox from home.  We will need them by Wednesday, May 10!


We are learning about au/aw/alt/all.  

Heart words this week are:  been, before, pretty, warm


We will be doing fractions dividing 2D shapes in equal parts, halves, quarters, and fourths.

Tying shoes--Please continue working on this with your child at home!  

Coming up!

Friday, April 28th: Spring Fling

Wed. May 10. Send in a shoebox

Friday, May 12 Field Day--make sure to apply sunscreen, send a water bottle, and wear comfortable clothes to run in (tennis shoes)

Monday, May 15-19. Beach Week in 1st grade--Your child may send in a beach towel to lay on at times in class or outside!

Monday, May 15. Field Day Rain Out Date

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

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