Thursday, May 25, 2023

Last Day of First Grade!

We made it!   It's been a year I will remember, especially being my last year at CCE!  
Have a wonderful summer!  Maybe I'll run into you around town this summer before we move.  :) The kids will miss Edison as he is moving to a school in Olathe.  Good luck to Edison!
Look for an email from the office to let you know when gradecards are posted on Skyward.  
Thank you all!


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The week of May 15-19

I hope all Mom's had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday! I heard about some of the gifts that were given! My gift was we finally bought a house Saturday!  It has taken 2 months to find one.  

This week we are having our Beach week.  Your child can still bring in a beach towel anytime this week!  They are enjoying working on the floor on them.  

Monday, May 15-19. Beach Week in 1st grade--Your child may send in a beach towel to lay on at times in class or outside!

Friday, May 19. Library books due!

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

Wed. May 31--4th quarter grades posted in Skyward

Enjoy the pictures from Field Day!