Monday, May 8, 2023

The week of May 8-12!

 I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend!  It's preparing us for summer!  

Our last 2 1/2 weeks will be very busy!  

Life Science

This week we are finishing up our animal unit with choosing and researching an animal on Nat Geo Kids.

We will find information about our animal and fill in the blanks on a given sheet.  Then, we will use that information to write a research paper.  It will be quite an accomplishment!  

Please have a shoebox (better not to be too big) to school by Thursday.  If you do not have one, please let me know ASAP.

We will be making our animal habitat with the shoebox!


This week we are learning about:

-ind--find, mind, blind

-ild--mild, wild

-old--told, fold, mold

high fluency words:  most, even, another, never


3D shapes--naming the shape (cube, cylinder, cone, rectangular prism, sphere)

How many faces and vertices does each have and what shapes can we compose combine 3D shapes together.

Our last math test over these concepts will be Thursday.

Field Day! Friday, May 12. (Rainout is Mon. May 15)'s the link.  Scroll down to the Field Day info.

Please check out the Parent Smore!  If you are available this Friday to help at a station, Mrs. T. would be really happy!  Several K-2 stations do not have 2 helpers in the AM and PM!  A few do not have any!  Thank you for helping us at this fun event for the kids!

Please have your kids wear tennis shoes, shorts, bring a water bottle, and put sunscreen on before coming to school!

It's going to be a great day!  

Coming up!

Wed. May 10. Send in a shoebox

Friday, May 12 Field Day--make sure to apply sunscreen, send a water bottle, and wear comfortable clothes to run in (tennis shoes)

Monday, May 15-19. Beach Week in 1st grade--Your child may send in a beach towel to lay on at times in class or outside!

Monday, May 15. Field Day Rain Out Date

Friday, May 19. Library books due!

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

Wed. May 31--4th quarter grades posted in Skyward

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