Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The week of May 1-5

 This year has flown by!  Your kids have grown so much in all areas!  I began Fastbridge testing today and am so happy to hear your children reading so much better than at the beginning of the year.  What an improvement!  

My advice to you for the summer is to continue working on sight words with your child, along with reading every day!  If you start off the summer with that habit of reading and practicing sight words, it will be a routine.  

Please continue practicing tying shoes with your child too!  I'm letting the pick a prize and I'm giving certificates!!!


We are learning about the: 

are (long a)-  scare, hare, rare 

air-hair, flair 

and ear (long a sound)-bear, pear


We took the Chapter 9 test today.  Look for it this week!

3D Solid Shapes are next!

Science--Animals (We will learn about parents and their offspring, What special characteristics help them to survive in the wild, and their habitats.)

Send in a medium sized shoebox anytime by May 10!

Coming up!

Wed. May 10. Send in a shoebox

Friday, May 12 Field Day--make sure to apply sunscreen, send a water bottle, and wear comfortable clothes to run in (tennis shoes)

Monday, May 15-19. Beach Week in 1st grade--Your child may send in a beach towel to lay on at times in class or outside!

Monday, May 15. Field Day Rain Out Date

Thursday, May 25. Last day of school-1/2 day

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