Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The week of Oct. 18-21.

I hope all the kids enjoyed some extra time to play over the last four days!  Before long it will be Thanksgiving Break!

First of all I have to apologize again for not remembering to get on Istation and check out who reached the goal of 60 minutes!  Will you please let me know if you know that your child reached it by Saturday?  I now have an alarm on my phone to check it on Saturday evenings. Hopefully, I'll get in the habit of checking!  I sure wish I could check past weeks!
While I was looking for minutes on Istation, I noticed that a few kids are struggling in areas.  I believe you are also able to check a parent report to see how your child is doing.  I am wanting your children to get on Istation as much as they can.  However, it isn't helping them if they are guessing and struggling to understand the concept.  Please let your child know that they need to ask you for help if they don't understand what they are to do.  The vocabulary portion looks difficult at a Kindergarten level, but some are also struggling with letter identification, sounds of letters, and initial letter sound of pictures shown.

Pumpkin measuring:  Next Friday, Oct. 28,  we are going to do a fun measuring activity using pumpkins!  If you have medium to large pumpkins not carved yet, and you wouldn't mind if we measured them, please let me know.  I need 4.  Write your name on the bottom.  I can retrieve them in the car loop so your child doesn't have to carry  them. I would like them the day before, Oct. 27.  I will give them back Friday in the car loop.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

Me on the Map:  We are going to be learning about maps next week also.  I will be sending home 2 homework sheets for you to help your child write their address and draw a map of their bedroom.  It would be a great time to make sure your child knows their address!   They need to add the direction symbols on the compass in the corner first.  Then, help them draw pictures of what is in their room.  You can help them use a ruler if they want to, it would be great practice to learn how to draw straight lines!  The more detail the better!  They should show where the door, closet, and window (s) are.  Any fixed objects should be drawn.  When we get them all back, the kids get to share what's in their room.  Coloring it nicely adds great detail to their map also!  Thank you for your guidance!  

Pumpkin Quilt Activity:  We are going to learn how to make a paper quilt piece using the AB pattern.   Then, we are going to read a book called, The Legend of Spookley, the Square Pumpkin.  We will share our favorite parts of the book and draw a picture of our favorite part on a white quilt square.  I will put the quilt piece and and picture together to make a class quilt!  
The class is going to learn how to take a picture of their illustrated picture square on an app called, Seesaw, on the Ipad.  I will be sending out information to you on how to see your child's picture once we have learned how to do it!  I am excited to try out Seesaw in my classroom this year! 

Theme 6  Meet My Family
Theme Book:  Families One and All
vocab.:  each, celebration, describe (we talked today about using details such as colors to describe something.  (Play guessing games or I spy with clues like: it is big, has orange and black spots, and can reach leaves...a giraffe)  
comprehension skills:  creating images, fix -up strategies (this is when you use the beginning sound of a word and picture clues, to figure out what a word might be)  We are doing this in our small group when reading the little books!
Sight words:  as, with
Color of the week:  white (wear white tomorrow)

Topic 4
This week we are using the verbiage "less", "fewer", "more", and "greater" when comparing numbers to 10.  Today was difficult when we used "less" and "greater".  Please review your child's math worksheet and give them examples to answer what's less and greater.  I think a few were getting confused on the what "less" means.

Coming Up!
Wed., Oct. 19           Wear white  today!
Thurs. Oct. 26          Wear orange today!
Fri., Oct. 28              Author visit--1:00-1:30 (bring your child if you'd like)

Mon. Oct. 31            Halloween Party!  Bring costumes to school and we will change at 10:30.                                       We will parade through KDG rooms at 10:45. 

Black day picture!

Working with partners to compare numbers!

Fire Department Visit!

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