Monday, October 24, 2016

The week of Oct. 24-28.

These beautiful weekends are spoiling us all!  San Diego weather and the beautiful fall colors make  for a perfect outdoor activity!  Hopefully we will have a few more before winter begins.

Thank you for getting the address page turned in on time today!  The bedroom maps are due on Wednesday if you haven't already turned it in.  Please have your child color it, as it makes it more fun to look at for all.  Also, have them label the pictures with the first letter.  It helps them to remember what all is in their map when they share it with the class.  

Today we talked about the compass on a map, the map key, and we looked at different kinds of maps; such as a flat map, globe, and model-3D map.  We learned what our country name is and labeled it on our country.  Can your child tell you our country name?  We will be finding our state and city on a map too.  

Seesaw!  I hope all of you were able to find time this weekend to watch your child's video telling about their favorite part of the story we read.  They were so proud of themselves!  Let me know if you've had any problems getting on Seesaw to watch it.

Friday is the author visit!  It is from 1:00-1:30, but you are welcome to bring your child up to see the presentation if you are able!  It will be in the gym.

Reading this week!
Theme 10  Part of the Family     How do family members help each other?
Theme Story:  Helping Hands
Comprehension skill:  Using background knowledge to understand what the story is about.
vocabulary:  care, job, give
sight words:  his, they
Letter of the week:  Hard Cc, the action is making our fingers cut when saying the /k/ sound.
color of the week:  orange

Math this week!
Comparing and Ordering numbers 0 to 10.  We have learned about 1 more and 1 fewer.  We will continue with 2 more and 2 fewer, along with putting numbers 1-10 in order.  Please practice the skills by giving a number and asking them what 1-2 more and 1-2 fewer would be.  If they need a challenge, ask higher numbers!  Also, if you give them number cards scrambled such as; 3, 4, 5, 6, can they put them in order?  We will be doing this up to 10.

Pumpkin measuring activity.
I have heard from a few of you that you are willing to let us borrow your medium to large size pumpkin (s).  I would like to make sure I have 5, so please let me know  if you offered to send one or two in, so I know we have enough. If you can, please write your name on the bottom, so I know who to get them back to.  You can drop them off on Thursday in the car loop and I will return them to you after school on Friday.

Coming up!
Thurs. Oct. 26          Wear orange today!
Fri., Oct. 28              Author visit--1:00-1:30 (bring your Kindergartener if you'd like)
Mon. Oct. 31            Halloween Party!  Bring costumes to school in and we will change at 10:30.                                    We will parade through KDG rooms at 10:45.   Please send the costumes 
                                   in their backpack or a sack.  Costumes that your child can pull over their 

                                   clothes they are wearing, are the most ideal!  If you can come in and help 
                                   children get dressed at 10:30, that would be helpful!

White day!  

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