Monday, November 14, 2016

The week of Nov. 14-18.

I hope you all were able to enjoy Winter Wonderland on Saturday!  It is always a fun time!  We have our visit to the book fair tomorrow (Tuesday).  Just a reminder from Mrs. Arter's note in the newsletter, Kindergartners are not able to go book shopping during their library time or any time by themselves.  It's just too hard for them to understand how much they can spend on books.  Please join them before or after school to help them shop.  Thursday evening is the late evening time to bring them in during the "Grand" event.

We finished our colors of the week last week with our grand finale with the rainbow colors!  We had a lot of fun with making our rainbow cookies and eating them after Mrs. Scott baked them!  They were a lot bigger to eat than when we rolled them.  See the pictures below.

This week in Reading.
Theme 9  Part of Our Community
We are reading "Kakadu Jack" and learning what a papaya, mango, and fig are.  With those fruits, you can tell that the setting is not in Kansas!  

Comprehension:  We used our background knowledge and picture clues to figure out that the setting must be someplace warm where palm trees grow.

Vocabulary:  decide, follow, question
Letter of the week:  short o (we link our thumbs together and wiggle our fingers like an octopus arms when saying /o/).

sight words:  have, from, like (like is not one of our 50 required words, but good to know)
"From" is our first 3rd quarter words.  Keep reviewing 1st and 2nd quarter words every night for retention.

Math this week!
We are continuing to work on counting, reading, and writing numbers to 20.  I would love for all to be able to recognize the numbers to 20 by Friday, when I pass out Progress Reports.  Please review 11-20 all week with your child.  Put them on flashcards and also have them write the numbers.  We have been telling the tens and ones for each numeral.  So, for 13 I would say, it has 1 ten and 3 ones.  They have to be able to tell me what numeral that is.  It helps them understand tens and ones more.  Our test over this topic is Friday.  I will be sending home a homework packet today to practice the numbers at home too!  Make sure to read the directions at the bottom to your child.   Please have your child complete it by Thursday and send it back.

Coming up!
Mon. Nov. 14-18   Book Fair this week! 8:30-4:00
Tues. Nov. 15         Skate Party  6-8 PM
Wed. Nov. 16        Picture retakes
Thur. Nov. 17        Book Fair open 4-7 PM
Mon. Nov. 21        Happy Bear
Tues. Nov. 22        Last day of school!
Wed. Nov. 23-27   Thanksgiving Break

Rainbow  DaY!

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