Monday, November 7, 2016

The week of Nov. 7-11!

We had a fabulous time at Kaleidoscope on Friday!  The kids had so much fun creating and hanging with their friends!  See the pictures below.

This week is Rainbow week!  It's our last color we will have.  I have a special surprise snack planned for the kids.  Your child will tell you about it tomorrow I'm sure!

Winter Wonderland is this Saturday from 8-11:00 am.  It is such a fun time!  The Scholastic Book Fair will open too, along with many more fun things to do!  I love to go to this, but I will be out of town.  I hope you can make it to this fun event!

Please continue to find time for your child to play the Istation Phonics games.  They are learning while they play!  Remember 10 min. a day, 5 days a week, will get them the minutes we are looking for each week.  It doesn't take long, but it takes making it a routine to remember.

Sight words:  How is your child doing on 2nd quarter sight words?  Do you need to step it up on your practicing?  We only have one more word for this quarter:  have.  Then, we will move on to 3rd quarter words.  Please continue to review 1st quarter words also.  Please do not move on to new words until previous words are learned.

Reading this week!
Part of Our Community
Theme Story: Kakadu Jack,  (This is a great story to discuss sequencing and the importance of it in a story!)  It is one of the kids' favorites.
vocabulary:  chore, listen, community
Phonemic Awareness:  word rhyming, phoneme matching (matching letters to the sounds in words)
Sight words:  be, this, new ( new is not a required 50, but a good word to learn)
Letter of the week:  Ll
Color of the week:  rainbow colors

Letters and sounds we are working on for 2nd quarter:  Hard Cc, soft Cc, Ll, Short Oo, Long Oo, Rr, Hard Gg, Soft Gg.  (Please review these sounds with your child when you can!)

Math this week!

Tomorrow we have a test over Topic 4:  more and fewer.  Reviewing 1 and 2 more or fewer than a number less than 10, would be helpful.  Example:   I may show them 4 circles and they have to find the answer that shows 2 more or 2 fewer.

Topic 5  Numbers to 20  
We will naming numbers to 20, writing numbers to 20, and counting orally to 30.
Please practice all of these skills at home too!  These are all for mastery this quarter.
Several of the kids could not name all of the numbers to 20 yet.  However, we haven't worked on it until now.  We will also be counting objects in a set up to 20.  

Coming Up!

Wed. Nov. 9         Wear rainbocolors today!
Sat. Nov. 12          Winter Wonderland from 8-11am.
Mon. Nov. 14-18   Book Fair this week! 8:30-4:00
Tues. Nov. 15         Skate Party  6-8 PM
Thur. Nov. 16        Picture retakes
Thur. Nov. 17        Book Fair open 4-7 PM
Mon. Nov. 21        Happy Bear
Tues. Nov. 22        Last day of school!
Wed. Nov. 23-27   Thanksgiving Break

One more Halloween pic!  This guy was sick for our party. 

Kaleidoscope Field Trip!

Our first BIG bus ride!

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