Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30-February 3!

Happy Kansas Day!! (at school anyway) :). It was officially yesterday, Jan. 29, 1861.  We had a great day with our Kansas activities!  We made sunflower hats, played a Kansas symbols BINGO game, had a sunflower cracker snack and a state of Kansas snack!  See all of the pictures below!

I hope you and your child are thinking about what they could bring for 100's day on Tuesday, Feb. 7!
Simple is always best!  Look for things around your house.  We have been practicing counting to 100, so your child needs to be the one to count the items to 100, with your supervision. All kids know how to count by 10's to 100, so putting the items in groups of 10 may make it easier for those that are still not quite counting by 1's to 100.  Please make sure to put the items in a baggie and write their name on it.

Please make the snack easy also!   Any cracker or cereal that you already have would be great!  Make sure hands are washed before counting them out.  Also, make sure your child's name is on the baggie!
Have fun being creative at home!

The kids can't wait for it!  The one stumper for the kids, is that it is not our last day of school!  Every year, there's always a few that think that Kindergarten is over when we reach 100!  So cute!

January Book-it Calendars are due by Friday!  They have the snowflakes on them.  Those that turned in one each of the first three months were awarded a free book!  The same goes for Jan. Feb. and Mar. if they are all handed in.  :)

Please turn in the last name papers that was homework over the weekend!  Hopefully all are learning how to spell their last names.

Reading this week!  
The next two weeks we will work on our Presidents Social Studies Unit.  We will focus on George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and learn who our present President is.  At calendar, we will be learning what our coins are, their amount, and who is on them.  We will be counting the change as we add to it each day in our depositor.

It would be great if your child could name the penny, nickel, and dime and their amounts in Kindergarten!  It is not required, but I feel it would help them going in to first grade.

A little paperbook with "v" words will come home tomorrow.  Please have your child read it a couple of times.  They should be able to sound out the words to read it.  If your child struggles blending the sounds together, have them use the body walk to help!

Groundhog's Day is Thursday, Feb. 2!  We will learn about what it is and why it is a day we celebrate.  We will watch a video of Puxatawney Phil and what we find out if he sees his shadow.  Then we will take our own groundhog's outside and look for their shadow to see if we will have six more weeks of winter if we see it!  

Sight words:  there, use
Letter of the week:  Vv

Math this week     
We are finishing up Topic 7 on addition.  Tomorrow will be a review day activity using a paper plate with sections that we will put red and yellow counters in to add together.  Then, we will record our addition sentence on our recording sheet.  The test will be on Wednesday.

Thursday we will start Topic 8 over subtraction.
I'm hoping to have addition flashcards coming home by Friday.  Please put these in a safe place for your child to practice.  It would be great if your child new the facts to 5 for both addition and subtraction going in to first grade!

My KDG Conferences  are only on Wednesday, Feb. 15.  Look for the same schedule as the fall conferences attached to this email.  If you have any conflicts, please let me know.  

Coming up!  
Tues. Feb. 7        100's day celebration!  
Wed  Feb. 15      Parent/ Teacher Conferences (same times as the fall conferences)
Feb. 16-20           No school for Conference break and President's Day.

Book Bash!
Thank you parents for reading to us!  We loved it!

This is my first class that I have ever had all "Jayhawkers"!  

Kansas Day!

 My little Sunflowers

Our "sunflower" snack!

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