Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Baby chicks!

Here are our first four chicks!  There's one more getting stronger in the incubator.  
We are so excited!  Stay tuned for their names!

Monday, April 24, 2017

The week of April 24-28.

What a gorgeous day yesterday!  I was a soccer tournament, 2 games both days.  My daughter's team won the tournament so my sunburn was worth it!  :)  The nicer weather is much more pleasant for all of the games all are going too!

Eggs!  No chicks yet.  We were a little bummed not seeing chicks YET!  Today is Day 21, so hopefully we'll have some by tomorrow.  

Spelling--the test is Thursday instead of Friday.  We have our Open House and program on Friday so I'd like to focus on that.  I found some spelling lists left in Friday folders today.  Please make sure to study these words hard the next few days.  we, when, your, can, said, brown.  Remind your child that the word "you" is inside of "your".

Small Groups:  There will not be small groups this week.  I will be bench marking your children to see if they are getting to be where they need to be in reading.  We want them at a level D by the end of the year.  Level C is a hard book, but it has our 2 sight words in it this week.  "Read" and "school" are our sight words this week.  

Our last farm animal study will be about chickens!  We will write details we learned.  We will also write sequential sentences on the chick's life cycle using transition words like; first, next, then, last.  

Little paper books--please make sure to always have your child read the paper little books to you and someone else when they bring them home.  These are right on their level and are great practice for them. 

Field Day is May 12 
Our class will wear blue tshirts on field day.  Please mark it down on your calendar so no one forgets!  I will too!

Open House   I would love it if the class would wear something nice for our Open House.  It helps them know it's an important day and really shows in their behavior too!

Math this week!
We took our Topic 10 math test today.  Topic 11 is next and it is our last one.  I will introduce telling time to the hour, reviewing our addition and subtraction facts, and reviewing money.

Coming up!
Fri. April 28       Mrs. Scott's Open House--11:00
Fri. May 5           Farm Day (it lasts all morning)
Fri. May 12         Field Day (it lasts all morning) Wear blue tshirts!
Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!  Wow!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The week of April 18-21.

What a beautiful weekend for Easter!  At least we could enjoy it without too much rain to damper the activities!  Hopefully the kids were able to get outside and enjoy some fresh air!

Are there really only 25 days left in Kindergarten?  We have many things to do and so many fun things coming up!  I hope you all have April 28 on your calendar for our Open House from 11:00-11:30ish.  You will be able to take your child with you afterward.  You will see their farm projects, meet our baby chicks and watch our program!

Spelling!  Remember we only have 3 more days to study for the test on Friday.  The kids have been doing well on them!  The words this week are:  but, not, what, all were, orange.  I told the kids that two words are inside orange--or, an, and then add ge.

Progress Reports will go home on Friday.  Please work on any missed skills at home.  Sight words and letter sounds are mainly the skills that are needing extra review.

I would really love for the kids to accomplish these four things by the end of the year.
1.  learn all 50 sight words
2.  tie shoes
3.  know their addition facts to 5 fluently
4.  know their subtraction facts from 5 fluently.

So, please be practicing the math facts and tying shoes.  I will begin testing them the beginning of May.  I feel like tying shoes is a skill to know before leaving KDG.  If they don't have shoelaces, they can practice on your shoes.

Farm Unit--this week we are learning about sheep.  We will write details we learned and draw a sheep in our barn book.  The barn books are so cute!  We can't wait for you to see them at our Open House!

Math this week!
This week we will continue to focus on Composing numbers 11 to 19, using a ten and ones.  Ask your child how many tens and ones are in the numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ,19, and 20.

Coming up!
Fri. April 28       Mrs. Scott's Open House--11:00
Fri. May 5           Farm Day (it lasts all morning)
Fri. May 12         Field Day (it lasts all morning)

Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!  Wow!

Monday, April 10, 2017

The week of April 10-13.

Whew!  Did anyone blow away last weekend?  March and April have been "in like a Lion"!  Hopefully "out like a lamb" will come soon!

This week we will be learning about pigs in class!  I have a few stories to share with the kids about growing up with pigs on a farm!  We made "flying" pigs in our classroom!  They are so cute!  I will read a nonfiction pig book that we will list details about what we learned.  Then we will draw a pig picture and write the details in our barn book we made.

We will do a compare and contrast over 2 versions of "The Three Little Pigs".  The first book we read is "The Three Little Pigs" and the second will be "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig".  Later we will listen to a fun rap version called, "The Three Little Pigs Rock Out".

This is Day 7 for our chick eggs.  Every few days we draw a picture of what the chick may look like inside in our Chick Flip book.  It helps us picture how the chick is growing inside!

Letter of the week:  Yy (Our capital Y in handwriting looks just like the lowercase y)
Sight words:  me, my

Please make sure your child can read the spelling words just as much as being able to spell them!
Remember there are spelling games on the side column of my blog called, Spelling City.
It is also helpful to practice spelling through tactile learning such as; putting dry jello on a cookie sheet and spelling the words in it, (licking fingers makes it more fun), writing in shaving cream, or using playdough to roll out the letter and form them.

Book it calendars!!  Parents, thank you so much for your support on the book-it calendars!  It really helped the kids learn how to be responsible for their reading!  I'm sure you are seeing huge growth in their reading too!  What a great program!  I will be rewarding our class for their hard work reading at home this whole year!  Keep it up!  We don't have anymore incentives for April and May, but the best incentive is being great readers coming out of Kindergarten!  They are all doing amazing!

Math this week!
We will take our Topic 13 test over Sorting, Classifying, and Graphing.  Our next Topic 10 is over Composing numbers 11 to 19, or adding!

Coming up
Fri. April 14       No school--Good Friday
Mon. April 17     inservice day--no school
Fri. April 28       Mrs. Scott's Open House--11:00
Fri. May 5           Farm Day
Fri. May 12         Field Day
Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!  Wow!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Our new chick eggs!

Here is our incubator.  It holds seven chick eggs!
We are so excited to learn about chicks!  We learned that the white eggs are called, "leghorn", the brown/tan ones are "Rhode Island Red", and the little one you can see between the white and 
brown ones in front, is called a "Banni" egg.  The temperature needs to be between 99.3-99.6 degrees.
Hopefully they will hatch in 20 days.  Incubation period is 21 days.  I put them in after the kids left yesterday.  There is an automatic turner, so the yellow platform they are on will turn every 60 min.
Welcome to our class little chicks!  

Monday, April 3, 2017

The week of April 3-7.

Happy Monday!

We are beginning our farm unit this week.  We will learn about cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens!  If your child has not let you know yet, we will have chick eggs in our class tomorrow!  I have an incubator that holds 7 eggs!  Tomorrow, I will send pictures of our eggs in the incubator.  It takes 21 days for the chicks to grow, so hopefully by April 25, we will have some chicks hatching! We should have some to check out when you come to our open house on April 28!

This week we are reading about cows and writing details that we learned from our book.  The kids will pick a detail or two to write down and draw a picture about their sentence.  Each week we will do this about the animal we read about.  We are also making a cow class quilt using our hand print.

This is my favorite unit since I grew up on a farm!  We had cows and pigs too! I like to add some of my farm stories I remember.

Spelling words this week!  We are on week 5!  The words are:  at, be, this, have , from
I am hoping that the kids are remembering the words more than spelling them.  Please remember that this is the first time doing spelling tests!  They are all trying their best!  I am not concerned at all if they misspell words.  Making sure they know the words to read them, will be more beneficial at this time.  

Letter of the week:  Long Ee
sight words:  him, Dad

Theme Story:  Just the right size!  It's a farm story with a chick to spy on each page.  Cute story!

Book-it Calendar:  Please turn them in by Wednesday!  Thanks!

Class pictures are this Wednesday.  If you want one for your child, please turn in the picture order and money by Wednesday.  Individual spring pictures are Wednesday too!  You don't have to purchase them, but all will have their picture taken.

Fish bowl auction:  It was a great turn-out!  I will let the kids know tomorrow who won my pizza lunch with me!

Grade cards:  Please let me know if you need help checking out your child's grade card on Skyward.  It's so important to let your child know how proud you are of their progress!

Math this week!  
Topic 13:  Sorting, Classifying, Counting, and Categorizing Data
We will be talking about sorting by attributes such as; color, size, and shape.  Picture graphs are also part of this topic.

Coming up!
Wed. April 5       Class pictures and spring individual pictures
Fri. April 14       No school--Good Friday
Mon. April 17     inservice day--no school

Fri. April 28       Mrs. Scott's Open House--11:00