Monday, April 24, 2017

The week of April 24-28.

What a gorgeous day yesterday!  I was a soccer tournament, 2 games both days.  My daughter's team won the tournament so my sunburn was worth it!  :)  The nicer weather is much more pleasant for all of the games all are going too!

Eggs!  No chicks yet.  We were a little bummed not seeing chicks YET!  Today is Day 21, so hopefully we'll have some by tomorrow.  

Spelling--the test is Thursday instead of Friday.  We have our Open House and program on Friday so I'd like to focus on that.  I found some spelling lists left in Friday folders today.  Please make sure to study these words hard the next few days.  we, when, your, can, said, brown.  Remind your child that the word "you" is inside of "your".

Small Groups:  There will not be small groups this week.  I will be bench marking your children to see if they are getting to be where they need to be in reading.  We want them at a level D by the end of the year.  Level C is a hard book, but it has our 2 sight words in it this week.  "Read" and "school" are our sight words this week.  

Our last farm animal study will be about chickens!  We will write details we learned.  We will also write sequential sentences on the chick's life cycle using transition words like; first, next, then, last.  

Little paper books--please make sure to always have your child read the paper little books to you and someone else when they bring them home.  These are right on their level and are great practice for them. 

Field Day is May 12 
Our class will wear blue tshirts on field day.  Please mark it down on your calendar so no one forgets!  I will too!

Open House   I would love it if the class would wear something nice for our Open House.  It helps them know it's an important day and really shows in their behavior too!

Math this week!
We took our Topic 10 math test today.  Topic 11 is next and it is our last one.  I will introduce telling time to the hour, reviewing our addition and subtraction facts, and reviewing money.

Coming up!
Fri. April 28       Mrs. Scott's Open House--11:00
Fri. May 5           Farm Day (it lasts all morning)
Fri. May 12         Field Day (it lasts all morning) Wear blue tshirts!
Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!  Wow!

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