Monday, April 10, 2017

The week of April 10-13.

Whew!  Did anyone blow away last weekend?  March and April have been "in like a Lion"!  Hopefully "out like a lamb" will come soon!

This week we will be learning about pigs in class!  I have a few stories to share with the kids about growing up with pigs on a farm!  We made "flying" pigs in our classroom!  They are so cute!  I will read a nonfiction pig book that we will list details about what we learned.  Then we will draw a pig picture and write the details in our barn book we made.

We will do a compare and contrast over 2 versions of "The Three Little Pigs".  The first book we read is "The Three Little Pigs" and the second will be "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig".  Later we will listen to a fun rap version called, "The Three Little Pigs Rock Out".

This is Day 7 for our chick eggs.  Every few days we draw a picture of what the chick may look like inside in our Chick Flip book.  It helps us picture how the chick is growing inside!

Letter of the week:  Yy (Our capital Y in handwriting looks just like the lowercase y)
Sight words:  me, my

Please make sure your child can read the spelling words just as much as being able to spell them!
Remember there are spelling games on the side column of my blog called, Spelling City.
It is also helpful to practice spelling through tactile learning such as; putting dry jello on a cookie sheet and spelling the words in it, (licking fingers makes it more fun), writing in shaving cream, or using playdough to roll out the letter and form them.

Book it calendars!!  Parents, thank you so much for your support on the book-it calendars!  It really helped the kids learn how to be responsible for their reading!  I'm sure you are seeing huge growth in their reading too!  What a great program!  I will be rewarding our class for their hard work reading at home this whole year!  Keep it up!  We don't have anymore incentives for April and May, but the best incentive is being great readers coming out of Kindergarten!  They are all doing amazing!

Math this week!
We will take our Topic 13 test over Sorting, Classifying, and Graphing.  Our next Topic 10 is over Composing numbers 11 to 19, or adding!

Coming up
Fri. April 14       No school--Good Friday
Mon. April 17     inservice day--no school
Fri. April 28       Mrs. Scott's Open House--11:00
Fri. May 5           Farm Day
Fri. May 12         Field Day
Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!  Wow!

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