Monday, May 1, 2017

The week of May 1-5.

Open House!
Singing Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

It was so fun to watch my special Kindergartners sing some of our songs from the year!

We named our chicks!  
We named the oldest, yellow chick that hatched, Bry, Bry after Brylee who is the oldest in our class!
The brown striped chick is Stripey
The light yellow chick is Peanut Butter
The black with a yellow belly is Banana
The black chick is Little Chick

Spelling this week!  Our spelling words are definitely harder.  Hopefully your child began studying these over the weekend!  I'll give a few tips to help them study.  Only this week and next week! Remember the test is on Thursday.
1.  there (the word "here" is inside)
2.  use (the silent "e" on the end makes the "u" long)
3.  an
4.  each (the two vowels make the long "e" sound, we act like we are "chopping" when we say the "ch" sound.
5.  which (the "wh" action is pretending to blow a whistle, and the "ch" is the chopping action)

Sight words:  go, car
Our last letter of the week!  Zz  We will keep reviewing all letters and sounds we have learned!

Farm Day is Friday! Volunteers should be here by 9:00 to get their instructions!  I'm so excited that the weather looks beautiful!

Field day is Friday, May 12.  We are to wear blue tshirts.  Each class is wearing a different color.

Math facts test!  Please study the addition math facts to 5 with your child. I sent home the flashcards a while ago. They will be tested over them this week, beginning tomorrow! I'm not opposed to them using their fingers to add, but would love it if they would memorize them!  
We will work on subtraction facts from 5 next week!

Please continue to work hard with your child the last few weeks!  It will make you feel good too, to know your child is ready for first grade!

Tying shoes!  Don't forget to work on this too!  My helper will be having them practice here too! It is an important skill for all kids to be able to do before first grade!  There are different poems and rhymes you can find on the internet to help!  

Science!  We are going to begin the "Forces and Interactions" unit.  We will read about pushes and pulls and do a couple of fun activities demonstrating both!

Plants--We will also read about how plants grow. We will wrap a lima bean seed in a wet paper towel, put in a baggie and watch it grow.  We will log what we see every few days!  I believe the kids will plant a sunflower seed at Farm Day and take it home to watch it grow!

Math   This week we are decomposing the numbers 11-19.  So, our answers are at the beginning of the math sentence instead of the end.  The kids are doing great with breaking the number down to a ten and ones.  You can practice with your child at home by asking them what ten and ones make up a number between 11-19.  Example:  15 = 10 + 5.  Just like on our worksheets coming home!

Math at Calendar:  we are reviewing how to count money and beginning on telling time to the hour.  

Coming up!
Fri. May 5           Farm Day (it lasts all morning)
Fri. May 12         Field Day (it lasts all morning) Wear blue tshirts!

Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!  Wow!

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