Monday, May 8, 2017

The week of May 8-12.

We are winding down on lots of things in Kindergarten.  The walls will begin to look cleaner and my desk may look cleaner too!  LOL!

All of our butterflies hatched out and we will let them go tomorrow!  Unfortunately, our butterflies, the Painted Ladies, only have a life-span of 2 weeks!  So, we want them to be able to reproduce and have time to lay eggs before their life-span is over.  Other butterflies have a longer life-span.

This week we will learn about how a butterfly and moth are the same and different.  We will have fun reading, The Hungry Caterpillar, while doing an activity.  Then, we will make a Butterfly Life Cycle sequence book to make sure we understand the order.

Our last life cycle to learn about next week will be that of the Frog.  :)

Farm Day frames that the kids made on Friday were sent home that day.  A picture of your child was taken holding an animal from our petting zoo.  When it is given to me, I will send it home to be put in the Farm frame.  Please keep the frame in a safe place until you receive the picture.

Check out the adorable pics. below of your child holding one of our chicks, along with pics from Farm day!  

Sight words!  We will be reviewing color words and number words this week!  

A reminder that I will have my parent helper test your child on subtraction facts from 5, any missed sight words from our 50, and tying shoes if they are ready!  They are also being tested over reading color words and number words.  Most only have a couple to pass.

Tying shoes--Keep in mind if you find a video on tying shoes an easier way than the "old" way we all probably learned, it may not be the way you would want your child to be tying shoes when they are a teenager or an adult.  

We just took our last Topic math test over Decomposing numbers 11-19.  Those will be returned tomorrow.  The rest of the week we will work on telling time to the hour and being able to write the time to the hour. Example:  9:00.

Poems-- We are just about done with our Poem packet that we read, look for sight words, label nouns and verbs, and color a picture about the poem.  They are fun poems that your child may be able to read to you when it comes home!  

On Mon. May 22, we will have a class yearbook signing party and enjoy checking out our yearbooks.  Then, Mrs. Hammond's class and Mrs. Casper's class will join us to sign their books!  Thank you so much for purchasing a yearbook for your child!  I believe everyone bought one!  They will go home that day!

Kindergarten certificates--I will pass out Kindergarten certificates and a gift from me on the last day.  It is not a graduation.  I will have a snack while we watch our Kindergarten power point with pics from the whole year!  Thank you to Brooke and Brandon Riffel, Andrew's mom and dad, for putting it together!  You will be sent the Power Point to enjoy at home! I'd like it to be a surprise for the kids!

Coming up!
Fri. May 12         Field Day (it lasts all morning) Wear blue tshirts!

Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!  Awards assembly. Wow!

Chick pictures

Farm Day pics
Petting Zoo!

Yummy milk flavors!

Painting sheep

Flavored milk tasting!

Horse relays!

 Learning about what grows on a farm!

 Lassoing a horse!


Milking a cow!

Planting our sunflower seed!

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