Monday, May 15, 2017

Our last full week of school!

I hope all of you mothers had a fabulous Mother's Day!  The weather was awesome!

This week we are finishing our last Theme in our reading.  Next year we will have a new reading series that will be different than you are used to seeing.

Our last reading theme is called, "Does it Sink or Float?"
We will be reading a book called, "Sink or Float".
Vocab. this week--sink, heavy, collect, predict, study, float
We will do an sink or float experiment this week using different objects, making predictions, and recording our results.

Friday we are going to demonstrate "Engineering Design" by constructing a boat with a partner using given materials.  Then, we will see how many marbles it will hold before it sinks!
The partners have to work together to design it on paper first, then they will construct it.

Digraph:  When 2 letters that are together make a totally different sound then when they are separate.
Digraphs:  We are reviewing the consonant digraphs:  ch, sh, wh, th, ph, and we added gh today.
The vowel digraphs we are reviewing are:  ai, ay, ea, ee, ow, oa

Math this week!  I am introducing fractions!  Today I showed them fractions by using our play pizza.  We learned that 3/6 is the same as 1/2.  Then, we showed 1/2 on our worksheet.  Finally, each child got a small Hershey's bar and had to follow my instructions breaking apart, 1/4, 2/4/, 3/4, and 1/2.  Then, I would tell them to eat 1/4, 2/4, and 1/4.  It was a fun activity!

We will also revisit Geoboards and have fun making shapes and fractions with them!

Metamorphosis!  Our last animal we are learning about that grows through stages is the Frog.  Today we learned it has 5 stages of growth compared to 4 stages for the butterfly.  We will also learn the difference between frogs and toads. 

Our last day of school for Kindergarten is Tuesday, May 23.  1st-5th will go a half day on the 24th.  I mentioned last week about a Power Point that we will watch on the last day with pictures from the whole year.  If you would like to come watch it with us, you are welcome!  Unfortunately, no siblings are able to join us.  We will watch it around 11:15 next Tuesday, our last day.  If you are coming, and would like to send in cookies, that would be great!  It will last around 25 min. so your child can go with you after the Power Point.

Tomorrow will be the last testing day for our 4 goals!  I only have 5 who have passed tying shoes.  Hopefully there will be more tomorrow.  Please refer to the sight words your child missed on the sheet I sent home 2 Fridays ago.  See if your child can have them memorized!

Friday we have a guest speaker who will visit with the kids on bullying.  It's so important that the kids understand what that means at an early age.

Coming up!

Tues. May 23      Last day of school for Kindergarten!   Wow!  

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