Monday, August 21, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Happy Eclipse Day!
We had a fun day celebrating the Eclipse happening in other states in the U.S.  We took peaks at the live streaming from Nasa from 11:30-1:30.  We first watched the Oregon Eclipse, then the Idaho, next was Nebraska, Missouri, and Kentucky.  The kids and I enjoyed the different stages of the Eclipse!  We also read a book called, On the Moon.   We also read a moon paper book that we colored and learned many facts about the moon.  Ask your child to tell you a fact they learned about the moon or the Eclipse!  Check out their Eclipse craft in their folder too!

Our snack was provided by Ari's mom, who drove to many stores to find us Sunchips that were sold out almost everywhere.  I guess everyone had the same idea!  I told Ari that she perservered!  We learned that it means to not give up!  We also enjoyed the yellow/black Oreos for the sun/moon!  What a grand idea!  Thank you so much!  It was yummy!

This week we are continuing to work on our classroom and school rules and procedures.  The class is doing great so far!

Benchmark Advance is our new ELA (English Language Arts) reading series.  I think it will be a great curriculum to teach all of our Kindergarten objectives.  It is strong in Phonics (teaching the sound/letter correlation) which is wonderful to teach reading!  The first 20 days we are really teaching routines and procedures and introducing each letter before we dive in to the letter of the week and sight words.

This week we are  learning about the parts of a book, (author, illustrator, title) and how to hold a book correctly.  I am also introducing our class library and how to do "Read to Self" correctly.  We will learn how to read a book by looking at pictures, and how to pick out a book that we might be interested in.  Then on Friday, we will each get a book to practice reading quietly by ourselves.

Phonics skills this week--  Today we listened for words with the same beginning and for words that rhyme.  This is a skill you could work on in your car, while waiting somewhere, or at home.  Give 2 words that either have different beginning sounds or the same and have your child give a thumbs up if they are the same beginning sound, or a thumbs down if they are different.  Same with words that rhyme.  It is not as easy as it seems, especially if your child doesn't know all of the letter sounds and rhyming.

I am also introducing how to write the letters each day.  Today we wrote capital A, lowercase a on dry erase boards.  I am using our Handwriting Without Tears vocabulary while writing the letters.

Color of the week--red.  Wednesday is red day!  Wesley is signed up to bring the red snack.  Please help your child search for something red to wear on  Wednesday!  I like to take a red day picture and put it on the blog!

We have been talking about the letter Mm.  With the new reading program, we don't actually begin a letter each week until the middle of Sept. We introduce all of them the first 20 days.   I was used to beginning the first full week of school with a letter.  So, we will do a few Mm activities this week and wait on a certain letter each week until mid-Sept.  Lot's to learn!

Sight words: I, red

Math this week!  We are beginning with the beginning!  Reading and Writing numerals 1-5. We will be writing the numerals from our Handwriting Without Tears book and the math pages.  Right now we do not have the Envision Math color worksheets which is our math curriculum.  They have not arrived yet.  So, you will be seeing practice sheets from Envision.  

Social Studies!  We are beginning with rules at home and school.  

Parent Information Night!  Thursday, Aug. 24 at 6:30 in Mrs. Scott's classroom.  Please know that this is for parents.  Thank you!  I will have the Conference schedule ready to sign up.  Hopefully at least one of you can attend.  I will have a packet of information for you to take home with you.  Hopefully, I will be done with what I would like to inform you of by 7:00-7:15 and then you can go visit our new Imagination Station!

Imagination Station!  The Kindergarten Team put together a fabulous room for your children to grow through Cooperation, Exploration, Investigation, and Socialization.  We are excited for you to see it after our Parent Information Night this Thursday, Aug. 24.  It is down the 3rd/4th grade hall and has a castle on the door. Room 406. Dr. Frye will be in the room for you to tour it.  I will talk more about our new KDG room Thursday.  We can't wait for you to see where your child will use their imagination!

Each day this week the kids will learn about two stations.  The stations are:  1. Veterinary Station  2.  House  3.  Sensory Station  4.  School Station  5.  Art Station  6.  Dramatic Station 
7. Grocery Store  8.  Construction Station

Coming up!   
Aug. 23        Wear red today!
Aug. 24        Parent Info. Night  6:30 in Mrs. Scott's room
Aug. 30        Wear yellow today!
Sept. 6          Wear blue today!
Sept. 7          Apple Day planning meeting at 4:15
Sept. 13        Wear green today!
Sept. 15        Lap-a-thon
Sept. 20        Wear purple today!
Sept. 27         Parent/Teacher conferences after school today
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher conferences all day
Sept. 29         No School

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