Friday, August 4, 2017

Welcome to Mrs. Scott's Classroom Blog!

Welcome to my Kindergarten class!  I wanted to share a little bit about myself.   This is my first year to teach Full-Day Kindergarten and my eighth year of teaching Kindergarten at Clear Creek. I have two teenagers! Connor will be a senior at Desoto High School and Hallie will be a freshman.  They both play soccer and tennis.  Hallie enjoys basketball also.  My husband, John, and I have been married 22 years! We are both K-Staters and may have another family member joining the purple pride after his senior year! 

We had a wonderful time in Montana and Canada this summer.  We saw 18 bears, but only 3 of them were when we were on foot, and they were high up in the mountains. Thank heavens!  The grizzly bear in the picture was on a stroll when we drove up to him!  He just kept walking right beside our car!  What a thrill! We were on a bear hunt after seeing this big guy, hoping to reach 20 bears!  I hope you also had a wonderful summer making memories!  I look forward to our first FDK year together!

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