Monday, September 11, 2017

The week of Sept. 11-15.

What a great start to our week!  The kids are just impressing me with their maturity and involvement in everything I teach and do!  Kudos to all of you for getting them prepared, independent and ready for kindergarten!

This week in reading!  We are finishing our 20 days of learning about rules and procedures in KDG this week.  There are so many fun books about starting kindergarten that I've had time to read teaching full-time and would not have teaching half day.  I am loving having time to read more books and focus on more skills!  Next week we will begin Unit 1.  

Today we talked more about compound words.  I had two kids come up at a time and each said one of the two compound words.  They said them slowly together at first and got faster!  We all got a kick out of it!  Then, we all said the word they were putting together.  Ask your child if they remember any of the compound words we said, or can they say one of their own.

Rhyming will be a big focus this week too as we are learning how to sound out words and make word families.  We will write rhyming words for our sight words "not" and "can" on Wednesday.  Try having your child tell you rhymes for those words.

Read to Self and Read to Someone-- Today the kids read books out of their book boxes for 8 minutes and I even had to stop them!  Wow!  We are going to see if they can read quietly with a friend tomorrow.  This will be a tougher feat I'm sure.  Practicing reading independently will help the class be able to work quietly when I am with small reading groups.  You can have your child practice reading with you at home quietly.  Taking turns sharing what is happening in the pictures or reading the book in a low voice or whisper.  

Sight words:  do, not, green
Color of the week:  green  Next week will be the color purple.  

Clue Bag:  I began Clue Bag today!  I put the instructions inside that you saw in your info. packet from Parent Information Night.  Please keep it in the bag for the next person as a reminder of what to do.  Please return the following school day!  Have fun!

Math this week!   We are still working on the same number, more, fewer, and ordinal numbers.  Today we talked about how even though 0 has no value, it has a place.  Without it, 10 would be 1!  We will also be putting numbers 0 to 5 in order writing them and with number cards.  

There will be one more number writing homework page for 9 and 10 on Thursday to be returned on Friday.  Thank you for reinforcing at home what we do at school!

Lap-a-thon:  Hopefully everyone has a packet now.  If you don't I do have more, so please let me know asap!  This is one of our BIG fundraisers for our school.  It is one of my favorites because you aren't selling anything!  The kids have been practicing running around the bus loop so they know what to do.  All parents and younger siblings are welcome to come!  If your younger child is in a stroller, you can walk/run with your kindergartner.  However, if they are on foot, we ask that you just watch with them, as we do not want them to get toppled by bigger kids.  The kindergarten time is 1:00-1:15.  If you are joining us, you can just meet us out front of our classroom.  We hope to see you this Friday!

Field Trip!  This year is the first year that all Kindergarten classes will get to have an all day field trip!  We are so excited!  We have always gone to Kaleidoscope, which we are still going to.  But, we only have an hour time slot, so we had to find more to do!  So, we are going to visit the Hallmark visitors center, eat lunch, and also go to the Magic Tree House Space Mission at the Planetarium in Union Station. Not in that order.   More details to follow!  We did have to change the date of the field trip to add the other parts.  So, it is changed from Oct. 27 to Nov. 10.  I had several of you sign up interested in going, but I had to draw out four names.  The names I drew are:  Melissa Jones, Alison Hanks, Jennifer Wiltse, and Nathan Pirie.  I'm so sorry if your name didn't get drawn and you wanted to go.  We can only take 1 per 6 children for Kaleidoscope.  Please help us out at our Apple Day on Oct. 6 if you can!

Apple Day:  We had our meeting and have 4 who offered to co-chair.  Two for AM and two for PM.  I have those of you that signed up to help out.  I will forward your names on to the co-chairs.  There may be a sign-up genius going out too that will give you the opportunity to volunteer.  Thank you!

Coming up!
Sept. 13        Wear green today!  Ari has the green snack!
Sept. 15        Lap-a-thon
Sept. 20        Wear purple today!  Jack has the purple snack!
Sept. 27         Parent/Teacher conferences after school today
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher conferences all day
Sept. 29         No School

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