Monday, September 25, 2017

Thew week of Sept. 25-27.

I hope you had a great weekend!

We have a short week with Parent/Teacher conferences Wed. and Thurs.  As a reminder, your KDG does have school all day on Wednesday.  Conferences begin after school.  I am looking forward to meeting with you!  Please let me know if there's a change or you are unable to make it last minute.  I won't be able to check my email while conferencing, so please call the office and they will let me know.

Pajama Day tomorrow!  It looks like it's really going to cool down tomorrow and possibly rain.  If your child wants to wear slippers, it may be a good idea to have them bring them in their backpack.  They will want tennis shoes for recess anyway.

This week in Reading! 
We have really touched what rules are with this new reading series!  We have read fiction and nonfiction books on rules.  This week we are reading a book called, "What are rules at School", looking for the main idea and details in the book.  We are making connections between the rules in the book and in our own lives.  Then, we are comparing and contrasting the stories we have read.

Beginning and Ending sounds of words--  We have mainly listened for the beginning sounds of words.  This week we are listening for the ending sounds of words.  This is more difficult for the kids to hear the ending sound.  It would be easy to practice beginning and ending sounds of words in the car while you are driving!  

Sight word this week--the
Sight words tested over so far--I, can, do, not, if, as, the  extra words:  like, see 
Words left for 1st quarter:  we, by
We are already about done with introducing the first 11 words for first quarter!  We will continue to introduce 1-2 words a week even though the words are listed as 2nd quarter words.  Please keep reviewing 5-10 min. a day, so words aren't forgotten.

Handwriting--we have written F, E, D, P, B, R so far in our book.  The handwriting page with the verbiage was in the Parent Information Night Packet.  Please have your child practice the letters and refer back to that page to make sure they are writing them correctly!  I am so pleased with how most of the class automatically writes their letters at the top!  

Next letters:  N, M this week

Math this week!
We are writing numbers 8, 9, 10 this week which is a review from our handwriting pages we did a few weeks ago.  

In social studies we will be reviewing the seasons of the apple tree like we drew in our mini apple tree book.  With Apple Day coming soon, we will also be learning who Johnny Appleseed is!

Snack!  We could use more snacks if you happen to make a trip to the store!  It is really helpful to have individually wrapped snacks if possible.  Also, if you see a box with an amount less than 20, would you please just pick up a couple of them?  It helps so we have the same snack for everyone.  Then, on some days we have "leftover" day and I mix and match snacks to make 20.  Thank you so much for contributing to our snacks!

Coming up!
Sept. 27         Parent/Teacher conferences after school today
Sept. 28         Parent/Teacher conferences all day
Sept. 29         No School
Wed. Oct.   4    Individual picture day (send in money unless you order on-line) 
Thurs. Oct.   5  Wear brown today!  Cooper has the brown snack!
Oct. 6              Apple Day -Mrs. Scott's class participates in the AM
Oct. 13           No School--PD/workday
Oct. 16           No School--PD all day
Oct. 18           White Day--Alaina has the white snack!
Oct. 25            Pink day--Lydia has the pink snack!

Oct. 31           Fall Party/parade starts at 2:30

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