Monday, December 4, 2017

The week of Dec. 4-8.

Was last weekend our last perfect weather weekend?  It will definitely be colder weather the rest of the week.  Please make sure your child is wearing pants and a coat to school as we do go out for recess if the temperature is above 35 degrees.  A thin sweatshirt jacket is just not enough, especially when the wind is blowing.  Thank you!

We are looking forward to Job Day on Thursday!  Just a reminder that I will not be here on Friday.

Intruder Drill last Friday.  We were informed that an intruder was in our building, but we didn't know where they were.  I chose to teach the kids how to hide and barricade the door if needed.  We could have evacuated also.  We will be practicing both procedures so we are familiar with both.

The Holiday Party is coming up on Monday, Dec. 18!  Our party coordinators are asking for each family to donate $2 toward the snack, game, and craft.  Please send that in to me and I will make sure they get it!  Thank you to the two parents for planning the party!

Reading this week!
We are reading an animal fiction book this week!  We will learn how to use context clues in the story to figure out words we do not know.  Hopefully this skill will help your child when they are reading a book they don't know.

Sight words:  you, and
Letter of the week--Hh

Math this week!  
Topic 16   Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes.  We will compare the 3 D solid shapes that roll, stack, and slide.

Social Studies!  We will be learning more about what a police officer, firefighter, nurse, and veterinarian do.  Then, we will fill out graphic organizers listing details we learned about each.  Finally, we will graph our favorite community helper!

Coming up! 
Dec.  7              Job Day! 
Dec. 18            Winter parties  2:30-3:15  Please send in $2 to help cover the costs of the party!
Dec. 19             1/2 day for all
Dec. 20-Jan. 3  Christmas Vacation!!

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