Monday, December 11, 2017

The week of Dec. 11-15.

Only 8 more days before Christmas Vacation!  Wow!  This semester has really flown by and your kids are taking off in Kindergarten!  It has been a fun first semester to watch the growth in your children's learning!

This week is Bb week and we will be doing various Bear activities.  The kids came home with a teddy bear invite for their favorite teddy bear (or stuffed animal if they don't have one) to visit us at school on Thursday.  Please make sure it fits in your child's backpack.  I am going to also surprise them with a PJ party on Thursday for filling up our class bucket!

We will be comparing Goldi Rocks and the Three Bears to The Three Snow Bears  with a venn diagram writing the similarities and differences.

In reading we are learning about technology and how it's different now from years past and what might happen in the future.  We will read an informative text and fiction text about technology, then compare the two.  We still continue to use the 5 finger retell at school to make sure the students are understanding what is read.  Please keep asking questions about stories you read or they read at home.  It's very important to not just read the words of a story, but be able to comprehend what they are reading.

Social Studies-  We are continuing with our Economics Unit this week.  Today we learned about our 3 Basic Needs-Food, Clothing, and Shelter, along with Needs and Wants.  At home you can review by telling your child a good and asking if it is a need or a want.

Next, we will learn more about Goods/Services, and Consumers/Producers.  We will be doing picture sorts to review what we read about.

Math-- We are finishing up Topic 16 on Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes.  Your child will be tested on identifying and describing 3D solid shapes.   Here are their descriptions to know so you can review with your child.  

A cone has 1 flat surface, can roll, stack, and slide.
A cylinder has 2 flat surfaces, can roll, stack, and slide. 
A cube has 6 flat surfaces and 6 corners, can stack and slide.
A sphere can roll, and has no flat surfaces. 
All are 3D solid shapes.

They will be tested on Thursday!

I only have $2 from 6 people to help cover the costs for the Winter Party.  Please send that in soon!  Thank you!

Coming up!
Dec. 18            Winter parties  2:30-3:15  Please send in $2 to help cover the costs of the party!
Dec. 19             1/2 day for all
Dec. 20-Jan. 3  Christmas Vacation!!

Job Day!
 Mrs. Musil  is an investigator.
 We pretended we were nurses!

 Mrs. Donovan is a nurse!
 Mrs Clark is a writer for a bank!
 Mr. Lewis is a pastor!  They collect goods for others who need them.

 Ms. Waters is a litigation lawyer.  She was accompanied by her para legal for a fun activity!

 Mr. Hanks is a Senior Purchasing Manger for a construction company!
 Mrs. Hillner showed us a model of an eye!

 Mrs. Hillner is an Optometrist!
 Mr. Pirie is a Finance Manager at an insurance company!
 Mr. Benlon is a Regional Manager for Toyota Corporate!

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