Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The week of March 20-23.

Welcome Back!  It has been great to be back with your kiddos!  We have enjoyed our day!
The kids were happy to share about there spring break in their journals today.  We wrote a topic sentence together--"I had a great spring break".  Then, they wrote 3 or more sentences on what they did over the break without any help!  I am so thrilled with what great writers they are!

Goals for the 4th quarter!  I like to have end of the year goals to challenge the kids before the summer.  The four goals are:
1.  I can read the 50 sight words.
2.  I know my addition facts to 5.
3.  I know my subtraction facts from 5.
4.  I can tie my shoes.
When they know all of these I will send home a certificate!

Reading this week!
Tomorrow we are going to read the book, "The Mitten" and, make a Story Map about it where you tell the Title, Author, Characters, Setting, Problem, and Solution.  After that we will tell what our favorite animal is in the story, why it's our favorite, write words to describe it, and write sentences on what it looks like, feels like, and sounds like.  I'll also introduce that adjectives are describing words.

This week we are reading a fiction and nonfiction book about snow.  We continue to compare and contrast stories so we understand what each means.

Letters of the week:  Qq (never a q without a u), and Vv
sight words:  your, they

Spelling words this week:  she, a, at, is, was  Bonus words:  yellow, spring
I may be adding a bonus word or two for all when the list is easy like this week.

Math this week!  We are continuing with Topic 9- making addition facts for 8, 9, 10.  We are also making fact families to understand that switching the same addends around is still the same problem.

Science!  This week we will be talking more about the weather.  We will discuss how the sun warms the Earth's surface by doing an experiment when we have a sunny day.  First, we will write a prediction for what will happen in our journal.  Experiment:  We will use 2 cups each of soil, sand, and water that will be put in shade and sun.  Then we will put a thermometer in the cups to measure the temperature and calculate the difference. 
We will finish the experiment by writing our conclusions in our journals!
This is our first experiment this year!

Coming up!
Mar. 27     KDG round-up for incoming KDG for next year.  6:00 PM
Mar. 29     Farm Day planning meeting at 4:15 in the Maker's Space
Mar. 30     Puppet workshop from Stone Lion Puppets (more info. later)
Apr. 5        Spring pictures
Apr. 7        Fish Bowl Auction
Apr. 27      Kindergarten Open House (2:45-3:30)  Please come!  Only adults please!

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