Monday, April 2, 2018

The week of April 2-6.

We have a busy week working on our Farm Unit!   Last week was cows, this week is pigs!  The class will hear some stories from me about what it was like to grow up on a pig farm.  I will leave out a few of the icky details, but I sure have plenty of other memories to share!
Today we read a nonfiction pig book, wrote details about it, and watched a video of piglets drinking milk from the sow.  I really want the kids to know what the names of the males, females, and babies are called.  Along with what they eat, where they live, and what kind of meat we get from them.  Each week we will be doing a craft for each animal to decorate our room!  

I'm surprised at how many kids have grandparents that live on farms and have cows or pigs!  They love to share what they know too!

Puppet workshop!  The kids learned a lot about how to take care of our environment from Ms. Taylor in our workshop.  They had fun making a turtle from recyclable materials!  See the pictures below! Our puppet show about bugs from the Stone Lion Puppets will be on April 9! 

Our KDG Open House is Friday, April 27!  I am changing the time to 2:30-3:15 so you will be able to leave before the cars and buses come for dismissal.  Please keep in mind this is for parents/grandparents only!  It is so nice for you to devote all of your time to your Kindergartner!  I hope all are able to come!  If at least one parent is unable to come, grandparents or an aunt/uncle/family friend is welcome to fill in your place!  If no one can come watch, please let me know so I can ask a friend's parent to look at your child's work so they do not feel left out.  I would like to begin our singing portion of the Open House by 2:45, so please be here on time!  Thank you!

Reading this week!
We are reading a book about needs and wants which is a review from our Economics Unit in the fall.  It's always good to be reminded of the difference!  

Letter of the week!  We have learned all of the letters of the alphabet.  Now we are reviewing the long vowels along with digraphs (th, wh, sh, ch) and dipthongs (oi, oy, ow, ou, aw, oo).

sight words this week:  of, him (Please keep reviewing sight words if your child has not gotten their 4th quarter ice cream certificate.)

Math this week!  
We are finishing up our measurement unit tomorrow with our test. We have learned and measured length, width, height, weight, and capacity.  It was a short unit!  Our next unit will be on Sorting, Classifying, Counting, and Categorizing Data.

Coming up!
Apr. 5        Spring pictures (All kids will be photographed!)
Apr. 7        Fish Bowl Auction  and BOGO book fair  5:00-7:30
4/9-4/13     BOGO book fair
Apr. 18      Mom Squad Breakfast 8:00 am in the cafeteria
Apr. 27      Kindergarten Open House (2:45-3:30)  Please come!  Only adults please!

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