Monday, September 10, 2018

The week of Sept. 10-14

Wow!  We've already been here 4 weeks!  Time sure flies!

We are looking forward to the lap-a-thon on Friday!  It will be in the front bus loop right in front of our classroom.  We will run from 12:05-12:20 as many times as we can around the loop.  Each time they go around they will get a loop bracelet.  When the time is up, we will put their bracelets in baggies with their names on them to be counted by a PTO member.  We should know by the end of the day how many laps each ran.

The form says the money is due in October.  So, this means if any friend or family member donates an amount per lap, you will know how much they owe after your child finds out their lap number.  If you have any questions please let me know!  You are all welcome to come join your child walk/run around the loop.  Or you can cheer them on from the curb.  I will be walking/taking pictures!

Reading this week!  We have Unit stories with our Benchmark Advance reading series.  This week we are reading "Rules at School", a nonfiction book.  We will learn what an opinion is and talk about our opinion of the most important rule at school.  

This week we will begin a letter a week and focus more on the sound it makes, words with the beginning, middle, and ending sound, and how to write it.  I will also read books that have words with that letter sound in it.

Our sight words this week are:  not, if
Color of the week is:  green   Allison has the green snack on Thursday!

Daily Five:  We have learned how to "Read to Self" and will practice "Read to Someone" this week!  Right now "Read to Someone" is using a puppet or stuffed animal to read to.  I will introduce the "Listening Center".

Last week we began reading poems in our poetry packet.  We will be looking at different parts of poems to help us learn about spacing, rhyming, punctuation, capitalization, nouns, verbs, and more!  We marked a line where we saw a space on the first poem.  We will keep this packet at school and you will get to see it and read the poems with your child at the end of the year!

This week we will be finishing up writing our numbers to 10 in handwriting.  The kids are doing great writing them!  Next week we will begin writing the letters in our handwriting book.  If I notice any struggles with writing certain letters, I will send home more practice pages.

We began Topic 2 last week, Comparing and Ordering 0 to 5.  The class learned how to use linking cubes to match up one-to-one correspondence and understand more, fewer, and the same as.  They also found out they can use their imagination to construct many things our of the cubes!  This week we will be comparing numbers 0 to 5, writing 0, and putting the numbers 0 to 5 in order.  We are learning lots!

Coming Up!
Sept. 13     Wear Green today!
Sept. 14     Lap-a-thon  12:05-12:20    Come join us!
Sept. 20     Wear Purple today!
Sept. 26     P/T conferences 4:30-8:00
Sept. 27     P/T conf. 10:00-8:00
Sept. 28     No School
Blue Day!

Imagination Station Fun!

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