Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The week of Sept. 4-7.

I hope you were able to enjoy family time over the long weekend!  I sure did!

We are reviewing the parts of the book each time I read a book to them.  You can also do this at home!  1.  front cover   2.  back cover   3.  spine   4.  title   5. author ( and job)  6.  illustrator (and job)
7.  title page   8.  publisher (and job)

The two types of books is confusing for Kindergartners.  Fiction and Nonfiction.  As you are reading books at home ask them what kind of book it looks like by looking at the front cover.  We say fiction is "fantasy" and nonfiction is "not fantasy" or "real".  We are also learning that nonfiction books may have a Table of Contents.

Making predictions are fun to do when reading!  We will predict what is happening or how someone is feeling by looking at the expressions on the characters faces.  This will help us to learn social cues with our friends too by looking at their faces!

This week I will be introducing syllables in words.  We will begin with clapping the syllables in our names!

Read to Self is one of our Daily Five stations that the class will be doing when I am working with students.  We have been practicing reading to ourselves with our own book boxes.  The kids are doing great, staying in one spot, sitting quietly, and looking at their books by themselves, not sharing.

Sight words:  can, do  ( we found out today that we can sound out some sight words like, "can", but have to memorize words like "do".  It's fun to be able to make sentences with the sight words we know!  How is the reviewing going at home?  Can your child tell you the words we have learned so far?  I, like, can, do  (Remember if I italicize a word, it is an extra word to know, not one of the required 50.)

Letters of the week!  Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr  Can I tell you what all of the letters from A-M are and what sound they make?  If not, please pull out the sounds from the Parent Info. Night packet and practice them with your child.  

Math this week!
Today we took our first math test!  We reviewed with a practice test on Friday, so they knew how to fill in the circles.  It really helped them for today.  Each was given a cover sheet to cover their answers as we completed each problem.  If I had to help any children with answers, I will write it on the test that they were helped in that area. So, please work on that area with your child at home! Also go over the test with your child, so they know how important it is and to help them better understand why they missed an answer.  I will always go back over the test with them to explain why any were missed.  

We have been focusing on writing the numbers correctly.  This week we will be writing 1-8.  Eight is hard if they do not know how to write an "S" already.  Have your child write the numbers in order at home to show you how they are doing and if they need to work on any.  

Scholastic Book Orders!
I usually send out book orders once a month unless there is a book fair at school and I will skip that month.  All orders are done on line.  Follow the instructions on the letter attached to the book order and have fun ordering!  If you ever want a book(s) to be a gift let me know and I'll wrap it in a bag.  The first order is due next Monday, Sept. 10!  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Coming up!
Sept. 6       Wear blue today!  Mariah has the blue snack!  Apple Day Planning meeting at 4:15 in Maker Space
Sept. 13     Wear Green today!
Sept. 20     Wear Purple today!
Sept. 26     P/T conferences 4:30-8:00
Sept. 27     P/T conf. 10:00-8:00
Sept. 28     No School

Yellow Day!

The class thought I should be in the picture too since I wore yellow.  So, I took a selfie and photo bombed in their silly pic!  LOL!

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