Monday, September 17, 2018

The week of Sept. 17-21.

Whew!  What a hot weekend!  I'm looking forward to a cool down at the end of the week!

We  had a great time at Lap-a-thon!  It's our biggest fundraiser of the year!  Please consider donating toward this fundraiser to help our PTO buy wonderful things for our school!  See the pictures below.  I tried to get a picture of all of the kids, but I believe I'm missing a couple.  I did get class pictures though!

Only one more week until conferences!  Look for your conference reminder and time to come home this week!  I'm looking forward to visiting with you about your child's progress so far.

This week in reading!
We will be reading two stories a week for our reading program.  One is usually nonfiction and one is fiction.  We will look at the table of contents in our nonfiction along with the captions telling about the pictures.  At the end of each nonfiction book is an index and glossary that we will learn about.  

When reading the fiction book, we will learn to tell our 5 finger retell points.  
1.  Who are the characters?
2.  What is the setting?
3.  What happened at the beginning?
4.  What happened in the middle?
5.   What happened at the end?
This is very helpful to know if your child is comprehending the story.  When you are reading at home with your child, you may ask these questions while you are reading or after reading the story.  It's good to talk about the pictures and story while you are reading!

Letter of the week--Short Aa--we will be making rhyming word families using the short a.  You can practice rhyming in the car or anywhere.  Start with a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant word like--hat, map, or can.  Take turns saying rhyming words.  Also, have your child write down a word family and notice the words have the same ending such as--"at".

Color of the week is Purple!Tyler has the purple snack on Thursday!  
Sight words--as, the

Writing-- We will be working in a Shared Reading booklet each week.  It will be like a journal that we will write a sentence pertaining to the poem on each page and draw a picture.  

Handwriting-  We have finished writing our numbers to 10 and will now begin on Uppercase letters.  Our letters this week are:  F, E, D, P, B, R.  We will also be practicing writing our first names with a capital at the beginning and lowercase letters for the rest of our name.  

Math this week!
We are finishing up Topic 2 on Tuesday!  Our test will be Wednesday.  If your child had any problems on the math homework this weekend, please let me know!  Topic 3 is over Six to Ten-counting and writing them.

Coming up!
Sept. 20     Wear Purple today!
Sept. 26     P/T conferences 4:30-8:00
Sept. 27     P/T conf. 10:00-8:00
Sept. 28     No School
Green Day

We're ready!!!

We did it!  

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