Monday, January 28, 2019

The week of Jan. 28-Feb. 1.

Oh my!  It was sure cold when we attempted outdoor recess today!  The kids need to run so badly and let out their energy!  I'm sure you notice it at home too.

This is another busy week celebrating Kansas' 158th Birthday tomorrow and our 100's Day on Thursday! The snow day backed us up to Jan. 31 instead of Wed. Jan. 30.
Several kids said they don't know what they are bringing for their snack of 100 unwrapped items or their 100 collection.  Please help your child come up with an idea for both and let them count their items to 100 on their own.  I know it's so much quicker and easier for us to count for them, but please let them take the time to count by 1's, 5',s or 10's We have talked about washing our hands before counting our food collection.  They also know to put their items in groups if they are counting by 5's or 10's and put them in a baggie. 
I will be asking them how they counted.  In the past I've had kids tell me they didn't know how it was counted because mom or dad did it. So please let this be a learning activity for your child!

The non-food collection should fit in a baggie also.  This could be pennies, buttons, little toys, legos, paper clips, etc.  Just look around your house.  
Thank you for helping your child find their collections!

Reading this week!
This week we are reading The Boy Who Cried Wolf.  We have talked about this book a lot and I feel that the kids are understanding how important it is to always be honest!  The kids are owning up to their actions most of the time which will help them be good citizens as they grow up!  

We will be reading a couple of books about the 100th Day of School too! Along with reading those books, we will be illustrators of our own topics about 100.  

Sight words this week:  that, her
Letter of the week:  Dd

Reading groups!  Please make sure to check your child's folder each night.  My reading groups are not always the same day, so some little books are not getting done the night they come home.  Make sure to have your child read the book at least 2 times at home with someone.  They are so proud of themselves when they are reading them!  I am proud of them too!

Social Studies
Learning about our Kansas symbols has been fun!  We are finishing up our unit this week.  Their packet of the symbols will be coming home!  See if your child knows their symbols by quizzing them when you see the packet!  Tomorrow we will play a Kansas Bingo Game of the symbols, make a Sunflower hat, eat a few Kansas snacks, and read a few Kansas books.  

Math this week!
We finished our numbers to 100 last week, but we will continue to work on counting and writing the numbers.  You can help at home too by asking your child to count to 50 and continue on if they can.  Also, have them write numbers randomly from 1-20 to make sure they are writing them correctly and without reversals.

Topic 7 is "Understanding Addition."  We just started it last week!  Right now we are learning about addition sentences like--4 and 2 is 6.  By the end of the week we will be adding with a plus and equals sign.

Coming up!
Jan. 29   Kansas' Birthday!
Jan. 31   100th Day of School!  Bring collections!
Feb. 5     PTO Board Meeting--Parent Night at 7:00  Topic TBD
Feb. 7     Food Night:  Panera
Feb. 12   Valentine's Day Party
Feb. 13    Parent Teacher conferences after school
Feb. 14    No School for kids--Conferences all day
Feb. 15-18  No School
Feb. 21    Dental Screening--More info. to come.  You will have to opt in for your child to participate.
Feb. 22    Family Movie Night--6:30

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