Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The week ofJan. 22-25.

It was a nice long weekend!  I hope you all got to enjoy it too!  We have so much we are fitting in our 4 day week!  We will be busy!

I hope the girls have a blast at the Father/Daughter dance if it works out for them to go!  If not, they will do again next year!

This week in Reading!
Our Theme book is "The Three Little Pigs" retold by Brenda Parkes.  We learned that retold means an author may make changes to her book from the original.  Ask your child if there were any changes in this story.  

There are so many versions of The Three Little Pigs to read.  We also read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs today.  It is the Wolf's point of view.  The other two books we will read are The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig and The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf.

After reading the different versions, we are going to compare and contrast The Three Little Pigs  and The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig on a venn diagram.  

Letter of the Week--Hard Gg and Soft Gg
I love to read several different versions of The Gingerbread Man also!  So, we will read the original Gingerbread Man story first.  Then, we will compare and contrast the characters and refrain of that story with the Gingerbread Girl.   The refrain is the verse that is said throughout the story.  The last books we will read are The Gingerbread Kid and The Ninjabread Man.

Friday, we will have fun doing gingerbread activities throughout the day!  One is a special surprise!

Sight words:  one, from  (Your child was tested over the 3rd quarter words last week.  They are challenging so please work on these with your child!)

Math this week!
We took a test over numbers to 100.  Some needed little tips on this if they didn't know what some of the numbers were.  I will write "helped" if your child needed assistance.  Please look over this with your child when it comes home.

We will begin topic 7--Understanding Addition.  We will be learning how to put groups together with manipulatives.  Adding groups of things together can easily be done at home too!  For example, counting how many spoons and forks are on the table.  

Social Studies
This week we are continuing in our Kansas Packet.  Today we colored Kansas on the map and wrote the abbreviations for KS and our bordering states.  We also found where Johnson County is on the state of Kansas map.  We will finish the packet with coloring a sod house, Prairie Schooner, wheat, and a maze and dot-to-dot.  

The one instruction I had from the beginning was for each picture to be colored the correct color; so that when your child sees the symbol, they will recognize it as our state symbol.  Unfortunately, not everyone followed that direction, so when you check out the pictures in their packet, you will know that I didn't instruct them to color the bison purple and pink!!!!  

Handwriting--  This week we are practicing writing words in our book.  We are working hard to write the letters on the lines correctly.  I am watching for them to start at the top and write the letters the correct direction.  If we get in the habit in KDG, it will sure be easier each year!

Coming up!
Jan. 29   Kansas' Birthday!
Jan. 30   100th Day of School!  Bring collections!
Feb. 5     PTO Board Meeting--Parent Night at 7:00  Topic TBD
Feb. 7     Food Night:  Panera
Feb. 12   Valentine's Day Party
Feb. 13    Parent Teacher conferences after school
Feb. 14    No School for kids--Conferences all day
Feb. 15-18  No School
Feb. 21    Dental Screening--More info. to come.  You will have to opt in for your child to participate.
Feb. 22    Family Movie Night--6:30

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