Monday, April 15, 2019

The week of April 15-19.

I hope you all had a great weekend!  This week we are continuing with our Farm/animal unit.  The kids are learning a lot about farm animals!  I grew up on a farm, so I love this unit too!  My dad farmed crops along with raising cows and pigs.  Yes, the pigs were stinky!  My mom would always say when we complained about the smell, "It smells like money!"  Ha!

I saw a few of you at the Fish Bowl Auction!  My breakfast winners are Allison and Bentley!  Congratulations to them!  I hope you had a great time if you went!  Our basket looked awesome!  I want to thank Amy Mayhugh and Jessica Robinson once again for their time collecting all of the items!  Also, thank you all for your generous donations!

Our KDG Open House is coming up next Friday, April 26!  We are hard at work to prepare a great program for you!  Our chicks should hatch by the time you come, so we will love telling you about them too!  Please keep in mind, we will have a packed house, so please find a sitter for any younger siblings, so you can focus your attention on your kindergartner.  Also, if for some reason at least one parent cannot be here, you are welcome to invite another family member to come!  Every child would like to show their projects, so please have someone here for your child.  If by chance no one can make it, please let me know, so I can ask another parent to also check out your child's projects.  Let me know if you aren't able to be here at 2:30.  We will begin singing as soon as all are here, but would like to begin as close to 2:30 as possible.  You will need to check in at the office.

Reading/Science-- This week we are learning about chickens.  We have been drawing chick diagrams of their growth in our chick flipbook every few days.  The kids love doing this!  
Last Thursday we "candled" our chick eggs to see if we could see the chick growing.  Our candler is a special box with a bright light in it that can see inside the eggs pretty well!  We have one white egg and the rest are tan/brown as you can see below.  The white egg was the easiest to see through.  It was so fun to see the movement of the chick, the eyeball, veins, and air space!  However, not all of the eggs seem to have growth in them, so we will anxiously wait to see which ones hatch!  

This week we are learning more about the dipthongs-oi/oy.  Usually the "oi" is found in the middle of the word and the "oy" is found at the end.  Of course that rule doesn't always follow our English language but it's helpful to remember most of the time.

sight words--this week we are adding some extra sight words, not part of the 50, but are used a lot.  The words are:  here, want

Spelling list--I hope you all were able to print off or copy down the spelling list for this week.  
The words are:  have, how, said, all, it   Bonus words:  orange, three, four
For the word orange I like to tell them the words "or" and "an" are first then "ge".

Math this week!  Topic 11--Decomposing numbers 11 to 19.  

Goals!  Please keep practicing addition facts to 5 and subtraction facts from 5.  We keep testing on the addition facts to 5 and will test on subtraction facts to 5 when your child brings home a certificate for the addition facts.  

I will be sending home their sight word tests so you can see what words your child needs to keep working on.

Tying shoes.  Only a few have passed this skill.  I know it's difficult but it will sure help them in first grade if we work on it now.  Thank you for attempting it!  It is challenging!

Coming up!
Apr. 22    Inservice--No School
Apr. 26    KDG Open House at 2:30  --Please plan on being here if possible!  We will sing songs, view our projects, and meet our chicks that we are incubating in April.
May 3  Farm Day in the AM
May 17  Field Day
May 23  Last day of school will be a half day.

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