Monday, April 29, 2019

The week of April 29-May 3.

Wow!  May came fast!

Thank you all for coming to our KDG Open House program!  We had so much fun sharing what we have been learning about in our Farm Unit.  I know it meant a lot to your child to be here and me too!

Farm Day this Friday!  Please check the sign up genius to see if any more spots are open if you are able to help us out!  We appreciate any help you can give.  Keep in mind, if you have younger siblings, you are able to come watch, but you won't be able to "man" a station.  Thank you!

We can get back to our routine this week!  In reading and science we are learning about Force and Motion, along with push and pull.  We will have fun using hot wheel cars with various ramps to show what level makes cars go faster.  We will also push the cars to see which cars go farther.  Then we will discuss how pushing and pulling can change speed and direction.

Caterpillars--I hope you had a chance to see our caterpillars Friday in the container!  When we came back today, they had spun their chrysalis!  More excitement in our classroom!  We will continue to follow their life cycle the next 2 weeks!

Letter of the week--Long Ii   Here are the different long i combinations we will talk about more this week!  (ie, i_e, igh, y)

sight words:  this, need  ( the class wrote sentences today in their journal using "need" in each.  They can just whip them out so fast now!  

Spelling this week!  Week 9!  
Tips:  which and what and white begin the same with wh .    The words: to, of, or... all have an "o" in them.  Seven has two e's, no i's.  Eight is just hard!  
The main thing I want is for the spelling tests to help them learn the words to read them.  I am not at all looking for perfection on spelling!  They are hard!

to, which, of, what, or
Bonus words:  white, seven, eight

Math this week!  We are on Topic 12 Measurement.  Today we learned about the attributes-length, weight, and capacity.  We measured length using linking cubes ( We learned that we need to line up the items so measure the length correctly).  We measured weight using a balance scale ( we learned that when the scale is lower on one side--its heavier.  When it's higher on the other side--that's the lighter weight.  So, when it's balancing in the middle--they are the same weight.

Capacity is our last attribute.  We found out that we can use a measuring cup to measure capacity of liquids and powders. We also found out that linking cubes cannot be put in a measuring cup to get an accurate capacity measurement.  
We sure learned a lot about measuring today!

Coming up!
May 3  Farm Day in the AM
May 17  Field Day
May 24  Last day of school will be a half day.

Chick pics!

We enjoyed watching Mrs. Casper's ducks swim today!

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