Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The week of April 23-26.

We finally made it to our Open House week!  The kids are so excited to sing our songs for you and show you their projects!  Please be here as close to 2:30 as possible, so we can begin our songs.  One student is a triplet and her parents will have to get to three classrooms, so I would like to sing first and view projects after.  Let me know if you are running late, so we wait for you.  Also, let me know if no one can make it for your child, so I can ask another parent to be a "sub" parent.  :)

Farm Day sign up genius-  Please consider volunteering any way you can!  I emailed it today!

Our newest living thing has arrived in our classroom!  Caterpillars!!!  We have six Painted Lady caterpillars eating and growing, eating and growing!  We will learn more about the life cycle of a butterfly the next few weeks!  Check them out when you come on Friday!

It looks like we have one chick "pipping" so far!  There is a tiny crack in the egg, since this morning.  I'm hoping it will progress over night.  We are anxiously waiting for more to start pipping!  Tomorrow is day 21!

This week we are reading about Sink and Float.  We will be doing an experiment on Thursday with items that sink or float.  Please send one item with your child in a baggie with their name on it by Thursday to experiment with.  Thank you!  

Reading groups this week!  Each group will have a Reader's Theater book to read with parts.  Enjoy having a part in the play and participating with your child!  Have your child take turns reading each part!

Letters of the week--ou and ow
sight words (not the required 50)  play, come

Spelling this week--week 8 words and tips for learning how to spell:  

there (the word "here" is inside)
word (the word "or" is inside)
when (action for /wh/ is pretending to blow a whistle)
your  (the word "you" is inside)
they  (the word "the" is inside)
Bonus words:
brown (ow inside)
five  (silent e makes the i long)

Math this week!  We took a test on decomposing today. Our next topic is on Measurement.
We sure don't have very many math topics left!

Coming up!
Apr. 26    KDG Open House at 2:30  --Please plan on being here if possible!  We will sing songs, view our projects, and meet our chicks that are hopefully hatching this week!
May 3  Farm Day in the AM
May 17  Field Day
May 23  Last day of school will be a half day.

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