Monday, November 11, 2019

The week of Nov. 11-15.

What a surprise for the kids today to see the snow!  They were so excited and wanted to go outside to play in it!  I'll let you all have fun with that!

If you haven't heard, our classmate, Jackson Howell, is moving and his last day is Wednesday.  I would like to have a little party for him with snacks.  If anyone would like to send in popcorn and cookies,  Please let me know.  We will all really miss Jackson!

I want to thank you all for making sure your child's homework gets turned in by the due date!  It's really helpful!

Another thing I could use more help with is making sure to send a snack with your child each day.  I understand forgetting at times, but I've had to supply crackers quite a bit lately.  I was at the end of the box today, so a few didn't get much of a snack.  Please consider adding a reminder to your phone on Sundays to have 5 snack baggies in your child's backpack, so they are prepared for the week!  Thank you!

This week in reading!
We are reading a fun book called, "Who's in the shed?"  and reviewing our 5 finger retell about the story.  I'm impressed with their memory and feel they are listening well to the story!  Keep up your retelling at home, I'm seeing a difference!

Sight words:  in, on (I moved "in" to this week instead of next week.)
Letter:  Hard and soft Cc

Social Studies!  We are going to learn about the world map to find North America, the U.S.A. map to find Kansas, and the Kansas map to find Johnson County and Shawnee.
We will also learn how to read our own maps of our bedrooms that you helped them with at home!  

Math this week!
We are finishing Topic 5 on Numbers to 20 and will take the test on Friday.  Hopefully the homework helps them review the numbers.

Coming up!
Wed. Nov. 27-29       No school--Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2-7 .                   Book Fair
Dec. 7 .                      Winter Wonderland 9-noon
Dec. 13                      Job Day ( I will send out more info. soon)
Dec. 19                      Class parties 9-9:30, 1/2 day of school-dismiss at 12:10

 Rainbow day!!

Kindergarten Team Literacy Lantern to vote on in the Library.
If you Give a Mouse a Cookie!
It's made from a plastic pumpkin!

Imagination Station Pics

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