Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The week of Nov. 18-22.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the nice weather this weekend!  My family enjoyed going to the KSU game Saturday and my daughter went on a college visit at K-state yesterday!  Believe me I can't believe I'm visiting colleges with my youngest!  Time really does fly when you're having fun raising kids!  Enjoy each and every day and moment with your child!

This week we are learning about community helpers.  We will be reading about all kinds of jobs that people have.  On Dec. 13 I have "Job Day" scheduled where any of you are welcome to come in and share about your job.  I have five who signed up at Parent Info.  Night.  But, if anyone else wants to come share about your job, that is fine.  I will send out a note that you can send back and tell what job you will be sharing.  Each presentation is only 10 min. long.  Props that go with your job are welcome to help the kids understand more about it.  I will make a schedule and you will come at that time to share.  Look for the info. coming this week!

Reading this week!
Sight words:  mom, dad
Letter of the week:  Hh
We are reading a theme book called, Ungalala.  Ask me the 5 finger retell about it.  Characters, setting, beginning, middle, end.

We are working hard at sounding out words to read and spell.  Using our "body walk" really helps us not leave out any letters.  Have your child use the body walk at home when they are reading to you!  Hands on your head--first sound, hands on your shoulders--second sound, hands on your hips-- third sound.

Math this week!
You will see Topic 5 test come home today.  If your child missed any, they should've x/d out the wrong answer and filled in the correct one.  We really focused on circling 10, writing 1 for one ten, and writing the leftover ones.  This really helped those that were still unsure how to write the number.  Please continue to have your child practicing saying and writing numbers to 20, especially those missed on the progress report.

Our next topic in math we started today is Topic 14--Identifying and describing shapes.  We focused on a rectangle today by finding them on our math sheet, finding one in our classroom, and drawing them and making pictures out of rectangles in our shapes packet.  As we learn each 2D flat shape, we will be learning the characteristics of each such as; a rectangle has 2 long sides, and 2 short sides, along with 4 corners.  Continue to ask your child the characteristics of each shape at home!  They will be tested on it later.

Coming up!  
Wed. Nov. 27-29       No school--Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2-7 .                   Book Fair
Dec. 7 .                      Winter Wonderland 9-noon
Dec. 13                      Job Day ( I will send out more info. soon)
Dec. 19                      Class parties 9-9:30, 1/2 day of school-dismiss at 12:10

Jackson's last day!
We miss you Jackson!

Jackson read "Green Eggs and Ham" to the class.

We took one more class picture in our PJ's!

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