Monday, November 4, 2019

The week of Nov. 4-8.

We had a great time at our field trip on Friday!  Look for pics below at Kaleidoscope and in front of the tree at Union Station.  Thank you to the parents that were able to go with us to chaperone.  You were wonderful with the kids!  It really made the day enjoyable!

Reminder!!  Wednesday is the late start day to practice in case of inclement weather.  Last year we had several days that we could have come to school late after roads and parking lots were cleared off.  This will really help knowing how the school day will go if we need to come in late.  It also really helps you not to have to take a whole day off.  The kids can arrive at 10:30.

If your child turned in their October book-it calendar today, they have a Pizza Hut coupon attached to their Nov. book-it calendar in their folder.

Little readers--please remember to check your child's folder each day for homework that needs sent back the following day.

Ice Cream Certificate--As a motivation to learn the sight words, I am handing out an ice cream certificate for each quarter words that the children have learned.  Today, I handed out 1st quarter certificates to those who have learned 1st quarter words.  Along with a 1st and 2nd quarter word certificate for those who have learned the 1st two quarter's words.  He/she will earn a bowl for 1st quarter words, and a scoop of ice cream for 2nd quarter words.  Toppings will be earned for 3rd quarter words, and a 2nd scoop for 4th quarter words.  At the end of the year we will have an ice cream party!  

Bedrooom Map--A sheet for your child to draw a map of their bedroom was sent home Friday.  We are learning about maps in social studies next week.  Please help your child look at their bedroom and draw the shapes of furniture on the map using the compass directions on the page.  You will need to write the N,E,S,W on the compass according to where objects are in the room.  Please label the things drawn on the map (bed, table, closet, door, rugs, dresser, etc) . Your child will tell about their map to the class, so please make sure they are very involved with drawing it and explaining it to you afterward!  I am attaching an example to this email to help!

Reading this week!
We are reading short stories this week and telling the 5 finger retell, along with the problem and solution in the stories.

Letter of the week:  short o, long o
sight words:  he, love (not required)
color of the week:  rainbow colors (wear rainbow colors on Thursday!) . Alyvia has the rainbow snack.

Reading/Social Studies--Although, I do not love spiders, I love teaching about different kinds of spiders!  So, this week we will read about spiders, and do other spider activities.

Math this week!--Today you will see how your child did on their Topic 4 test.  If you see "with help" on any portions, I had to give extra help to your child on that section.  If there's an "x" through an answer, it was missed and the correct one was filled in.

We began Topic 5 on Numbers to 20 today.  Your child has counted to 30 with a helper.  Several got stuck on 28 or 29.  See how your child does counting to you!

Coming up!
Tues. Nov. 5           Skating Party
Wed. Nov. 6           Delayed Start at 10:40,  Happy Bear to visit

Thurs. Nov. 7         Rainbow Day!
Mon. Nov. 11          Bedroom map due
Wed. Nov. 27-29       No school--Thanksgiving Break

Halloween pics!

Field Trip

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