Monday, January 11, 2021

The week of Jan. 11-15

 This week is our Fairy Tale Unit.  We are learning about the story elements of a Fairy Tale.

1.  Magical or Enchanted

2.  There is Royalty included in most- Prince and Princess

3.  Problems or events happen in threes!

4. Often begin with "Once Upon a Time"

5. The ending is often a happily ever after 

5.  The good wins over bad

6.  Enchanted castle, forest, or kingdom

7.  Fantasy/Make believe

Some of the fairy tales we are reading are:  The Princess and the Pea, The Elves and the Shoemaker, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  

We will be doing a project for our Engineering Design standard.  The kids will get to design a bed and build it with objects given to them after reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

We will be doing several retelling, compare/contrast, and other activities about fairy tales.

Also this week, we are focusing on nouns.  We will learn about common and proper nouns, look for nouns in our classroom, and take pictures of nouns on our iPads.  The kids have been learning that a noun is a person, place or thing.  I am also adding "animals" to the definition.  So, Person, Place, Thing, or Animal.  

It's a busy week with both Fairy Tales and Nouns!

Our sight words are:  an, how, have

Math this week is finishing up our Chapter Four over addition and subtraction to 20.  This is definitely a tough Chapter.  The kids are learning many strategies to help them learn how to solve the problems they haven't memorized.  

I will be testing 2nd quarter sight words tomorrow!  Please review if your child hasn't passed them yet.  

Friday is a half day with dismissal at 12:10.  

Coming up!

Jan. 15--1/2 day school--Dismiss at 12:10

Jan. 18--No School-MLK Holiday

Jan. 19--No School--Professional Development for teachers, grade cards in Skyward

Jan. 20--3rd quarter begins

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