Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The week of Jan. 20-22.

 I hope your kids enjoyed their break!  

Grade cards are on Skyward for you to see.  They will not be printed, so you will go to your child's Skyward account to view it and print it at home if you choose.  If you have any questions on how to get to it, please call the office and Mrs. Ussery or Mrs. Fanning can help you.  

You will also find a packet of the testing sheets for your child in their folder.  The 2nd quarter skills sheet is attached to them.  If there are no highlighted skills, your child passed all of them for the quarter.  Please practice any highlighted skills at home.  Let me know if I can answer any questions about the skills or grade card!

Math timed tests--In the packet you will find an addition and subtraction timed test we took without manipulatives to see what facts your child knows quickly.  I took the class average and wrote it on the skills sheet so you can see how your child did compared to others.  Even though we aren't working on addition and subtraction in math, please keep practicing the facts with your child so they can memorize them.  

New spelling words:  The test will be in 2 1/2 weeks on Feb. 5.  We are beginning the long vowel groups.  You will find the long a combinations on this one.  Working on these words 5-10 min. a day will help your child learn them easier.  Pick the pattern words to do together so it doesn't get confusing for them. Here are the new words:

Sight words:  These are getting harder.

1. how

2. said

3. all

4. it

5.  there (I tell the kids that they find "here" inside of "there")

6.  word

Long a with silent e words:  Learn these together one day.

1. gate

2. same

Long a with "ai" in words.  Learn these together one day.

3. mail

4. rain

Long a with "ay" in words.  Learn these together one day.

5. play

6. stay

Math--Chapter 4 math test is coming home today.  We had to really take our time on this test.  It was pretty hard.  There are parts that I may have written "with help" on as it was difficult for them.  We went over the test.  If your child missed any, I had them cross out the incorrect answer and write the correct one beside it or circle the correct one.  Hopefully he/she didn't erase the missed one and write the correct one, as you wouldn't see what they missed.

We completed the first math book!  It will be coming home today.  You are welcome to have your child do any of the homework pages or worksheets that we didn't do in class. It would be great for them to review past skills especially the addition and subtraction. However, please don't send them back to school.  We have a new math book for chapters 5-10 we started today.  Chapter 5 is on Place Value.

Social Studies--

Our next unit in Social Studies is on the Kansas Symbols.  Kansas Day is Jan. 29.  We will be learning about the symbols the next two weeks beginning tomorrow!  If you think about it, ask your child each day what Kansas symbols we learned about that day.

"Kindness Act assignment" and "Where I Was Born" sheet.--Please return these asap.  We will be sharing both of these soon!  Thank you!

Valentine's Box--A note will be coming home on Friday about making a Valentine's Day box at home to bring in as a mailbox for valentines from our friends.

Coming up!

Feb. 5.       Long a Spelling Test

Feb. 12.     Bring Valentines and decorated mailbox to drop valentines in (see note)

Feb. 15.      No School-President's Day

Feb. 19.      Long i spelling test

Feb. 24       1/2 day school--Parent/Teacher conferences 

Feb. 25.      No School--P/T Conferences

Feb. 26       No School

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