Sunday, January 24, 2021

The week of Jan. 25-29

 Small Group Reading

This week your child will be bringing home a small reading group book that we will read in our group.  Please have him/her read it 2-3 times with someone and then ask them comprehension questions about it.  1.  Who the characters are. 2.  What happened at the beginning, middle, end.  See if they can retell about the story including those parts without specifically asking the questions.  If they can't demonstrate the retelling on their own, retell it for them so they understand how to do it.

Reading Skill sheet--You may need to read the sentences for your child to get them started.

Sight words--there, word

Spelling--Test Feb. 5!  It will be helpful to choose one or two sight words and one of the long a pattern word sets to work on a couple of nights before moving on to new words.

Spelling tips!

1.  Dry erase write

2.   I spy--write words on cards/paper, place around house, find word and spell it.

3.  write words on paper, cut up and put back together like a puzzle.

4.  Use the words in sentences to practice using it correctly and spelling it correctly when writing it.

Spelling City-- I added this week's spelling list to Spelling City for your child to have another way to practice at home.  Just go to Spelling City on the right side of my blog.  Go to "Homepage", find the "Long A" spelling list.  Choose any of the free games for your child to play.  I will show the kids how to play also!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Math this week:  Continue with Place Value working with tens and ones.

We counted dimes on Friday.  This week we will be counting nickels.  Ask your child how many 5's/nickels  they would need to make 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1.00.

Another skill to review with your child is asking ten more and ten less of a number.  Ten more than 87 is 97, ten less than 63 is 53.  This can be done orally or written on paper.

Social Studies--Kansas Symbols

State Amphibian--Barred Tiger Salamandar

State Insect--Honey Bee

State Reptile--Ornate Box Turtle

State Fish--Catfish

Coming up!

Feb. 5.       Long a Spelling Test

Feb. 12.     Bring Valentines and decorated mailbox to drop valentines in (see note)

Feb. 15.      No School-President's Day

Feb. 19.      Long i spelling test

Feb. 24       1/2 day school--Parent/Teacher conferences 

Feb. 25.      No School--P/T Conferences

Feb. 26       No School

The class worked in groups to build 5 different Fairy Tale STEM Activities

The Three Billy Goats' Bridge

The Three Little Pigs' House

Goldilock and the Three Bears' chairs

Rapunzel's Tower

Little Red Riding Hood's apple basket

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